What is it?

Student’s lab work for electrical engineering student who are currently taking in Power System Engineering major (S1) in Electrical Engineering Department ITS.


Consisting of four different modules to ensure the student could get insights of power system analysis, the student requires to enroll course of Power System Laboratory in webpage and registers in  webpage in order to participate.


Module 1
ETAP PowerStation

Penggunaan software ETAP Powerstation untuk  melakukan Analisa aliran daya dan simulasi gangguan hubung singkat.
Student's Labwork Header

Module 2
Transmission Line Performance

Pengukuran kenaikan tegangan dan daya pada Panjang saluran yang berbeda. Penjelasan mengenai konsep kapasitansi pada transmisi.  Pengaruh jenis beban pada kualitas daya saluran transmisi.

Module 3
Power System Protection Coordination

Pemahaman mengenai koordinasi pengaman yang baik pada sistem kelistrikan. Mengetahui instalasi rele arus lebih dan cara pengaturannya.

Module 4
Micro SCADA Monitoring System

Pemahaman konsep Sistem SCADA skala micro dan dapat menganalisa parameter terukur dengan menggunakan peralatan SCADA.

What is it?

Student’s labwork for electrical engineering student who are currently taking in Power System Engineering major (S1) in Electrical Engineering Department ITS.


Consisting of four different modules to ensure the student could get insights of power system analysis, the student requires to enroll course of Power System Laboratory in webpage and registers in  webpage in order to participate.

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