Alat Pemanen Energi Angin dan Matahari yang Dioptimasi dengan Piezoelektrik sebagai Separator Jalan Tol untuk Sumber Kelistrikan Mandiri
A device that utilizes 2 energy sources which is wind and solar energy which will then be used as public street lighting with an independent electricity source. It is placed in the middle of the toll road or on the toll road separator. The way this device works is that the wind that is on the toll road and the natural wind will rotate the wind turbine so that it will also rotate the axial flux generator. The design of this wind turbine uses the Twisted Savonius type so that the wind obtained is flowed down and will hit the piezoelectric under the turbine and give it pressure.
The pressure will be converted into electrical energy. While the solar energy that radiates from the sun will hit the solar panels. The energy from solar panels, generators, and piezoelectric will be channeled to power electronics components, then it will enter the MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) and it is determined whether this energy will be used as public street lighting at night or stored in batteries during the day. This tool is placed in the middle of the toll road or in the toll road separator.
Team : Firas Quthbi Shidqi, Mohammad Alfan Affandy, Fachry Azca Haidar Fayumi, Ilham Eric Kurniawan