Pengembangan Metode Optimalisasi Operasi Jaringan Kelistrikan Cerdas dan Jaringan Gas Alam Terintegrasi untuk Antisipasi Ketidakpastian Luaran Pembangkit Listrik Berbasis Energi Terbarukan

Research Team: Dr. Rony Seto Wibowo, S.T. M.T., Prof. Ir. Ontoseno Penangsang, M.Sc. Ph.D., Dr. Ir. Ni Ketut Aryani, M.T., Yasmin Anggraeni Risamasu, Jason Kumala Soendojo, Ervina Nooraini, Cellerina Yolanda Evitasari


Gas-fired power plants have the ability to increase or decrease the output power quickly. In addition, gas-fired power plants have low pollutant emissions and short start up and shut down. Therefore, this type of generating unit is suitable for use in intelligent electrical systems (micro grids) as a backup of renewable energy-based power plants such as wind and solar power which are intermittent and varied (intermittent). The use of gas-fired power plants is one of the efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) No. 7, namely “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”. On the other hand, the demand for natural gas by electricity generation causes dependence between the electric and gas energy sectors. Optimal power and gas flow (OPGF) is the most fundamental problem in combining the two systems. The level of gas consumption that varies from time to time causes pressure fluctuations in gas transmission pipelines, which can have a negative impact on the safety and reliability of gas delivery. Gas systems also have slower dynamics than electrical systems and require longer stabilization times to process load changes and disturbances. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the optimal power and gas flow in the integrated electricity and natural gas system to minimize the total system operating costs with the aim of increasing energy efficiency. This research will provide a solution for OPGF using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) with the help of MATLAB software. The output of this research in the form of an algorithm for solving the optimal power and gas flow in the future can be applied to an integrated electricity and natural gas system.