Journals Published
7 Invited speaker at international conferences
119 International invited speaker
10 International institution visits
26 Number of accredited national scientific journal publications
+/- 85 Number of international scientific journal publications
36 Number of registered patents or other IPR
7 The number of research-based S-3 graduates after 3 years
32 Number of certified internships for students (with industry partners)
19 Management of international seminars and/or symposium
3 Management of accredited national journals
- Prediction and Visualization in Infectious Disease Modeling
- Smart Assistance System in Healthcare Consultation
- Decision Support Modules for Smart System
- Healthcare System for Environments with Limitations
- Recommendation System based on Mapping User Behavior Approaches
Berlian Al Kindhi, Noviyanti Susanto; Handayani, Wuri; Kurniasari, Septiana Vera; Pratama, Afriliya Putri
Prediction of the Tuberculosis Patients Who Can Recover Normally Using a Support Vector Machine with Radial and Polynomial Kernels Journal Article
In: 2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), pp. 365-368, 2021.
title = {Prediction of the Tuberculosis Patients Who Can Recover Normally Using a Support Vector Machine with Radial and Polynomial Kernels},
author = {Berlian Al Kindhi, Noviyanti Susanto and Wuri Handayani and Septiana Vera Kurniasari and Afriliya Putri Pratama},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-04-09},
journal = {2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT)},
pages = {365-368},
abstract = {Tuberculosis is a contagious disease that is generally transmitted through a sufferer’s cough and is deadly. Tuberculosis usually attacks the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body. Treatment of tuberculosis patients who do not recover with those who can recover is different, mishandling can cause death in patients. Therefore, we need a system that can predict whether the patient’s condition can recover normally, or the lungs cannot be recovered. Support vector machine is a learning system that uses a hypothetical linear function in a high dimensional space and is trained with an algorithm based on optimization theory by applying learning bias derived from statistical theory. In this study, the kernel function is used, namely the radial kernel and the polynomial. Based on the analysis and discussion that has been done, it can be concluded from this study that the performance of the radial and polynomial …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Saikhu, A; Hudiyanti, CV; Buliali, JL; Hariadi, V
Predicting COVID-19 Confirmed Case in Surabaya using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average, Bivariate and Multivariate Transfer Function Journal Article
In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1077 , pp. 012055, 2021.
title = {Predicting COVID-19 Confirmed Case in Surabaya using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average, Bivariate and Multivariate Transfer Function},
author = {A Saikhu and CV Hudiyanti and JL Buliali and V Hariadi},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-02-01},
journal = {IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering},
volume = {1077},
pages = {012055},
abstract = {In March 2020, the first case of Covid-19 was found in Indonesia. The increase of confirmed, suspected, and exposed in Surabaya has also significantly. Some studies show there is a relation among temperature, humidity, suspected, and exposed patients in an area with the number of confirmed COVID-19. Several statistical techniques that can be used to determine this relationship are to analyze and predict it using the ARIMA, bivariate, and multivariate transfer functions. The aim of this study is the performance of three models and determine the best model. The performance on the training data for ARIMA is 0.376, which shows that the accuracy of the model is 37.6%. The bivariate transfer function accuracy is 0.409, and the accuracy of the multivariate transfer function is 0.478. The result performance of ARIMA testing is 0.074, the bivariate transfer function is 0.055, and the multivariate transfer function is 0.108 …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Setiyoutami, Arfinda; Anggraeni, Wiwik; Purwitasari, Diana; Yuniarno, Eko Mulyanto; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
Extracting Temporal-Based Spatial Features in Imbalanced Data for Predicting Dengue Virus Transmission Journal Article
In: Advances in Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences, pp. 731-742, 2021.
title = {Extracting Temporal-Based Spatial Features in Imbalanced Data for Predicting Dengue Virus Transmission},
author = {Arfinda Setiyoutami and Wiwik Anggraeni and Diana Purwitasari and Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-01-01},
journal = {Advances in Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences},
pages = {731-742},
abstract = {Since the movements of mosquito or human can potentially influence dengue virus transmission, recognizing location characteristics defined as spatial factors is necessary for predicting patient status. We proposed feature extraction that considers location characteristics through previous dengue cases and the high possibility of encounters between people with different backgrounds. The number of incoming populations, school buildings and population density was included as the location characteristics. Besides the information of the spatial factors, the number of dengue cases set within a particular time window was specified for virus transmission period. Our experiments obtained two datasets of dengue fever which were patient registry and location characteristics of Malang Regency. Manually recorded Registry Data only contained positive group data and not the negative group when the patients were healthy …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Anggraeni, Wiwik; Sumpeno, Surya; Yuniarno, Eko Mulyanto; Rachmadi, Reza Fuad; Gumelar, Agustinus Bimo; Purnomo, Mauridhi H
Prediction of Dengue Fever Outbreak Based on Climate Factors Using Fuzzy-Logistic Regression Journal Article
In: 2020 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), pp. 199-204, 2020.
title = {Prediction of Dengue Fever Outbreak Based on Climate Factors Using Fuzzy-Logistic Regression},
author = {Wiwik Anggraeni and Surya Sumpeno and Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno and Reza Fuad Rachmadi and Agustinus Bimo Gumelar and Mauridhi H Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-07-22},
urldate = {2020-07-22},
journal = {2020 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA)},
pages = {199-204},
abstract = {Dengue fever outbreak prediction is said to be one way that can be used to restrain the spread of dengue fever. Thus, the accuracy of the outbreak prediction system becomes essential. Furthermore, the factors involved in the prediction are also crucial to note. This study combines temperature, rainfall, humidity, wind speed, and the number of dengue cases to predict the outbreak of dengue fever. The fuzzy-logistic regression model is used based on its compatibility with the input and output characteristics. The result shows that the fuzzy-logistic regression model can produce outbreak predictions for validation data in other regions with an average performance of 79.93%. This average performance is 14.95% higher than the average accuracy of the Neural Network, Random Forest, and Naive Bayes approaches. The prediction results for the next 24 periods show that the outbreak will occur seven times. Dengue …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Wibowo, Radityo Prasetianto; Anggraeni, Wiwik; Arifiyah, Tresnaning; Riksakomara, Edwin; Samopa, Febriliyan; Pujiadi, Pujiadi; Zehroh, Siti Aminatus; Lestari, Nur Aini
In: Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence, 6 , pp. 55-69, 2020.
title = {Business Intelligence Development in Distributed Information Systems to Visualized Predicting and Give Recommendation for Handling Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever},
author = {Radityo Prasetianto Wibowo and Wiwik Anggraeni and Tresnaning Arifiyah and Edwin Riksakomara and Febriliyan Samopa and Pujiadi Pujiadi and Siti Aminatus Zehroh and Nur Aini Lestari},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-04-27},
journal = {Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence},
volume = {6},
pages = {55-69},
abstract = {Background: Indonesia has 150 dengue cases every month, and more than one person dies every day from 2017 to 2020. One of the factors of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) patients dying is due to the late handling of patients in hospitals or clinics. Health Office of Malang Regency recorded 1,114 cases of DHF that occurred during 2016, and the number of patients room available is limited. Therefore, Malang Regency is used as a case study in this research.
Objective: This study aims to make a dashboard to display the predictions, visualize the distribution of DHF patients, and give mitigation recommendations for handling DHF patients in Malang Health Office.
Methods: This study used the Business Intelligence (BI) Development method, which consists of two main phases, namely the making of Business Intelligence and the use of Business Intelligence. This research used the making of the BI phase, which consists of four stages, which are BI development strategies, identification and preparation of data sources, selecting BI tools, and designing and implementing BI. In the Extract, Load, and Transform process, this study used essential transformation and forecast.
Results: BI method has succeeded in building the dashboard. The dashboard displays the visualization of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever predicted results, detail of Dengue Fever Patient number, Dengue Fever patient trends per year and predictions 2 Monthly patient, and mitigation recommendation for each Community Health Office.
Conclusion: We have built the BI Dashboard using the BI development method. It needs some treatment to get better performance. These are improving …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Objective: This study aims to make a dashboard to display the predictions, visualize the distribution of DHF patients, and give mitigation recommendations for handling DHF patients in Malang Health Office.
Methods: This study used the Business Intelligence (BI) Development method, which consists of two main phases, namely the making of Business Intelligence and the use of Business Intelligence. This research used the making of the BI phase, which consists of four stages, which are BI development strategies, identification and preparation of data sources, selecting BI tools, and designing and implementing BI. In the Extract, Load, and Transform process, this study used essential transformation and forecast.
Results: BI method has succeeded in building the dashboard. The dashboard displays the visualization of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever predicted results, detail of Dengue Fever Patient number, Dengue Fever patient trends per year and predictions 2 Monthly patient, and mitigation recommendation for each Community Health Office.
Conclusion: We have built the BI Dashboard using the BI development method. It needs some treatment to get better performance. These are improving …
Kindhi, Berlian Al
Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Infected COVID-19 in Isolated DNA Journal Article
In: International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, 13 , pp. 423-433, 2020.
title = {Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Infected COVID-19 in Isolated DNA},
author = {Berlian Al Kindhi},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-01-01},
journal = {International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems},
volume = {13},
pages = {423-433},
abstract = {The stipulation of the COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) as a global pandemic by the WHO (World Health Organization) made a number of countries lockdown. Countries like Italy, Denmark, China, and Ireland have taken lockdown steps to prevent this disease from spreading and taking many lives. COVID-19, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), and MERS (Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome) are viral infections in the respiratory tract that can be fatal. SARS first became an epidemic in China in 2002, while MERS first appeared in the Middle East in 2012. At the end of 2019, a new disease appeared in China called COVID-19. These three viruses are still in the same family so they have very similar nucleotide sequences. The tested COVID-19 primer was able to adhere well with a similarity level of more than 70% in all DNA SARS and MERS isolates tested. To distinguish DNA samples between MERS, SARS, and COVID-19 using the basic local alignment sequence nucleotide approach alone is not enough. We propose an optimization of machine learning methods to predict the COVID-19, the optimization method depends on the method we improved. In Discriminant Analysis, we use Wilks Lamda's approach and change Linear into Diagonal Discriminant Matrix. In the Decision Tree method, we make optimization by making gain formulation to minimize the entropy value to get more information on the result. We optimized K-NN with add weighted distance optimization, and in SVM we try several kernels and optimize the hyperplane with SRM (Structural Risk Minimization) approach to looking for the best result. Besides that, in …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Anggraeni, Wiwik; Nandika, Dina; Mahananto, Faizal; Sudiarti, Yeyen; Fadhilla, Cut Alna
Diphtheria Case Number Forecasting using Radial Basis Function Neural Network Journal Article
In: 2019 3rd International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences (ICICoS), pp. 1-6, 2019.
title = {Diphtheria Case Number Forecasting using Radial Basis Function Neural Network},
author = {Wiwik Anggraeni and Dina Nandika and Faizal Mahananto and Yeyen Sudiarti and Cut Alna Fadhilla},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-10-29},
journal = {2019 3rd International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences (ICICoS)},
pages = {1-6},
abstract = {In Indonesia, diphtheria ranks fourth as a deadly disease after cardiovascular, tuberculosis, and pneumonia. The death rate of diphtheria is estimated to 21% with symptoms of malaise, anorexia, sore throat, and increased body temperature. The diphtheria cases which was reported in 2014 showed that East Java occupied the highest number for diphtheria cases which reached until 295, contributed to 74% cases of 22 provinces in Indonesia. In the mid-2017 until mid-2018, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia announced that there has been an ongoing diphtheria outbreak in Indonesia. The number of diphtheria cases in East Java were highly raising up at the end of 2018. Forecasting is needed to reduce the number of diphtheria cases. The method used for forecasting is the Radial Basis Function Neural Network. Several variables are involved, including Immunization Coverage, Population Density …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Kindhi, Berlian Al; Sardjono, Tri Arief; Purnomo, M Hery
Prediction of DNA Hepatitis C Virus based on Recurrent Neural Network-Back Propagation Through Time (RNN-BPTT) Journal Article
In: 2019 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture and Industrial Automation (ICAMIMIA), pp. 208-214, 2019.
title = {Prediction of DNA Hepatitis C Virus based on Recurrent Neural Network-Back Propagation Through Time (RNN-BPTT)},
author = {Berlian Al Kindhi and Tri Arief Sardjono and M Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-10-09},
journal = {2019 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture and Industrial Automation (ICAMIMIA)},
pages = {208-214},
abstract = {Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is one virus that has a high mutation rate in the world. To predict the mutation can be used fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Fundamental analysis relies on external factors such as attributes attached to the primer and the isolate. While technical analysis learns the movement of the mutation itself by relying on graphs and mathematical formulas. This study combines fundamental analysis and technical analysis in predicting HCV mutations. Application of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) method as a form of technical analysis and fundamental analysis is applied in the form of including some fundamental factor data as training datasets. RNN is a neural network that has a feedback connection to the neuron itself, or a previous neuron. RNN is able to reactivate actual data values in the past to be re-entered with actual data values at the moment. This study used Elman network …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Anggraeni, Wiwik; Abdillah, Abdolatul; Trikoratno, Lulus Tjondro; Wibowo, Radityo Prasetianto; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery; Sudiarti, Yeyen
Modelling and Forecasting the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Cases Number Using Hybrid Fuzzy-ARIMA Journal Article
In: 2019 IEEE 7th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH), pp. 1-8, 2019.
title = {Modelling and Forecasting the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Cases Number Using Hybrid Fuzzy-ARIMA},
author = {Wiwik Anggraeni and Abdolatul Abdillah and Lulus Tjondro Trikoratno and Radityo Prasetianto Wibowo and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo and Yeyen Sudiarti},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-08-05},
journal = {2019 IEEE 7th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH)},
pages = {1-8},
abstract = {Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) cases in Indonesia have the highest number which compared to another countries in Southeast Asia. These occurs in almost all part of Indonesia including East Java, especially Malang Regency. In 2016, Malang Regency was listed as the top three regions with the highest number of DHF cases in East Java. Some actions have been done by the Regional Government and Malang Regency Public Health Office to push the occurrence of this case but the results obtained are not optimal yet. It needs the results of the DHF cases number forecasting so that early prevention of disease growth and the emergence of an outbreak can be carried out. The goal of this research are make model and forecast the number of DHF cases in Malang Indonesia. The area in Malang Regency is divided into three parts, namely lowlands, middlelands and highlands. Samples were taken from each …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Kindhi, Berlian Al; Sardjono, Tri Arief; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery; Verkerke, Gijbertus Jacob
Hybrid K-means, fuzzy C-means, and hierarchical clustering for DNA hepatitis C virus trend mutation analysis Journal Article
In: Hybrid K-means, fuzzy C-means, and hierarchical clustering for DNA hepatitis C virus trend mutation analysis, 121 , pp. 373-381, 2019.
title = {Hybrid K-means, fuzzy C-means, and hierarchical clustering for DNA hepatitis C virus trend mutation analysis},
author = {Berlian Al Kindhi and Tri Arief Sardjono and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo and Gijbertus Jacob Verkerke},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-05-01},
urldate = {2019-05-01},
journal = {Hybrid K-means, fuzzy C-means, and hierarchical clustering for DNA hepatitis C virus trend mutation analysis},
volume = {121},
pages = {373-381},
abstract = {Every single strand of DNA consists of 10 sequences of nucleotides. These sequences cannot be separated or randomly arranged because each sequence of DNA contains a certain genomic encoding. When a virus mutates, a drug or vaccine for that virus that has been given to a patient will become useless. Therefore, there is a need for a method of analysing the likely direction of DNA mutation so that preventative measures can be adapted more quickly. RNA-type viruses are able to alter the patterns of infected DNA, which is one way for such a virus to defend itself. In this paper, we propose a new hybrid clustering method that combines K-means, fuzzy C-means, and hierarchical clustering to predict the direction of DNA mutation trends. We have combined these three different approaches in a hybrid clustering method and tested it on two data sets of 1000 isolated positive hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected and non …},
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pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Anggraeni, Wiwik; Pramudita, Graha; Riksakomara, Edwin; Radityo, PW; Samopa, Febriliyan; Dewi, Renny Sari
Artificial neural network for health data forecasting, case study: number of dengue hemorrhagic fever cases in Malang Regency, Indonesia Journal Article
In: 2018 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS), pp. 207-212, 2018.
title = {Artificial neural network for health data forecasting, case study: number of dengue hemorrhagic fever cases in Malang Regency, Indonesia},
author = {Wiwik Anggraeni and Graha Pramudita and Edwin Riksakomara and PW Radityo and Febriliyan Samopa and Renny Sari Dewi},
url = {},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-10-02},
journal = {2018 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS)},
pages = {207-212},
abstract = {Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) has become one of the most deadly diseases in the world. Diseases caused by Aedes-type mosquitoes are found in many tropical countries, one of them in Indonesia. Indonesia becomes the country with the highest number of DHF cases in ASEAN, even among the highest in the world. Malang Regency is one of dengue endemic areas in Indonesia. DHF's current handling strategy is more reactive than anticipatory. As a result, the opportunity to prevent transmission and control the epidemic is reduced. On this basis, efforts should be made to deal with DHF cases. One effort that can be done is to predict the number of dengue cases that will occur in the future. With the forecasting, Malang District Health Office can immediately formulate strategies and take precautions quickly. Also required visualization on the map to show the spread of dengue cases so easy to do the analysis …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Rivai, Muhammad; Sardjono, Tri Arief; Purwanto, Djoko
Investigation of Michelson Interferometer for Volatile Organic Compound Sensor Journal Article
In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 853 , pp. 012017, 2017.
title = {Investigation of Michelson Interferometer for Volatile Organic Compound Sensor},
author = {Muhammad Rivai and Tri Arief Sardjono and Djoko Purwanto},
url = {},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-05-01},
journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
volume = {853},
pages = {012017},
abstract = {The sensor device is required to monitor harmful gases in the environments and industries. Many volatile organic compounds adsorbed on the sensor material will result in changes of the optical properties including the refractive index and the film thickness. This study designed and realized a vapor detection device using the principle of Michelson Interferometer. The laser light beamed with a wavelength of 620 nm was divided by using a beam splitter. Interference occurredwhen the two separated lights were recombined. The phase difference between the two beams determined whether the interference would destruct or construct each other to produce the curved fringes. The vapor samples used in these experiments were ethanol and benzene. The results showed that the ethanol concentration of 1611-32210 ppm produced a fringe shift of 197 pixels, while the concentration of benzene of 964-19290 ppm …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Indrapraja, Apik Rusdiarna; Rivai, Muhammad; Arifin, Achmad; Purwanto, Djoko
The Detection of Organic Solvent Vapor by using Polymer Coated Chemocapacitor Sensor Journal Article
In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 853 , pp. 012033, 2017.
title = {The Detection of Organic Solvent Vapor by using Polymer Coated Chemocapacitor Sensor},
author = {Apik Rusdiarna Indrapraja and Muhammad Rivai and Achmad Arifin and Djoko Purwanto},
url = {},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-05-01},
journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
volume = {853},
pages = {012033},
abstract = {A chemocapacitor consists of planar interdigital electrodes (IDE) made by two comb electrodes on a substrate. A dielectric film was applied on the electrodes in which the absorbed vapor will modify its permittivity. This study has fabricated chemocapacitor with the IDE distance of 0.5 mm, while the dielectric film was a sensitive layer consisting of a polymeric material. The deposition of the polymeric film was accomplished by drop casting. A sensor array consisting of four chemocapacitors coated with different polymers namely PEG-1540, PEG-20M, PEG-6000, and PVP was used to obtain the pattern of shift in the capacitance. The integrated circuit AD7746 was used as the capacitance to-digital converter (CDC). The organic solvents of ethanol, benzene, and aceton were used as the vapor samples in this experiment. The results showed that the change in the capacitance value increases proportionally to the …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Muharom, Syahri; Masfufiah, Ilmiatul; Purwanto, Djoko; Mardiyanto, Ronny; Prasetyo, Budi; Asnawi, Saiful
Room Searching Robot Based on Door Detection and Room Number Recognition for Automatic Target Shooter Robot Application Journal Article
In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, and Health Informatics, pp. 43-54, 2021.
title = {Room Searching Robot Based on Door Detection and Room Number Recognition for Automatic Target Shooter Robot Application},
author = {Syahri Muharom and Ilmiatul Masfufiah and Djoko Purwanto and Ronny Mardiyanto and Budi Prasetyo and Saiful Asnawi},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-01-01},
journal = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, and Health Informatics},
pages = {43-54},
abstract = {Parameters of room are the presence of a door and room number, where to detected room need a system that can detected part of room. From it the researcher created a robot that can detected room target based on door and room number recognition. The way robot in finding a room is by tracing the corridor of the room by using the PID control method, PID value Kp = 5, Ki = 2 and Kd = 0.4, from it, the robot movement is stable with value is 55 RPM. To find room target the robot’s way of detecting a room is by recognizing the door frame, which is first processed using the Hough-transform method, where the results of it will be eventually processed as a parameter of a room door. After it the system will match the corresponding image to the existing image storage using template matching. After the door detection, the system will capture the image of the room, and process using OCR method and template …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Fahmi, Amiq; Purwitasari, Diana; Sumpeno, Surya; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
Performance Evaluation of Classifiers for Predicting Infection Cases of Dengue Virus Based on Clinical Diagnosis Criteria Bachelor Thesis
title = {Performance Evaluation of Classifiers for Predicting Infection Cases of Dengue Virus Based on Clinical Diagnosis Criteria},
author = {Amiq Fahmi and Diana Purwitasari and Surya Sumpeno and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-09-29},
journal = {2020 International Electronics Symposium (IES)},
pages = {456-462},
abstract = {Dengue fever caused by dengue virus infection is a severe health threat that can lead to death. In the medical and health field, to classify data, data mining exploitation and classification methods have an essential role in predicting disease. Two main criteria are crucial to diagnosing dengue virus infection, namely the criteria clinical diagnosis and laboratory diagnosis. Dengue infection based on clinical signs and symptoms, as well as laboratory examinations, is made in three clinical diagnosis criteria, which consist of dengue fever (DF), dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), and dengue shock syndrome (DSS). This study was conducted with the primary objective to test and evaluate eight different classification algorithms to find the best algorithm in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Classification algorithm used to predict dengue virus infection cases into three classes of DF, DHF, and DSS based on the …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {bachelorthesis}
Fuad, Muhammad; Agustinah, Trihastuti; Purwanto, Djoko
Autonomous Indoor Vehicle Navigation Using Modified Steering Velocity Obstacles Journal Article
In: 2020 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), pp. 83-88, 2020.
title = {Autonomous Indoor Vehicle Navigation Using Modified Steering Velocity Obstacles},
author = {Muhammad Fuad and Trihastuti Agustinah and Djoko Purwanto},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-07-22},
journal = {2020 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA)},
pages = {83-88},
abstract = {Wheeled mobile robot as an autonomous vehicle that operate in indoor environment must be equipped with the ability to navigate from the initial position to the target. In the workspace with narrow passage such as office, capability to plan and track the path have to be completed with precise reaction to avoid other objects. This paper presents the development of navigation approach of an autonomous indoor vehicle in office environment. For the global path planning, Probabilistic Road Map is used to generate waypoints. Pure Pursuit is devised to track these points. For the local path planning, we propose to modify steering property of Velocity Obstacles based on distances read by LIDAR sensor. For evaluating our approach, the proposed indoor navigation is implemented in simulations for a two-wheeled differential-steering mobile robot. The results shows that our approach was able to avoid static obstacles when …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nursyeha, Muhammad Agung; Rivai, Muhammad; Purwanto, Djoko
LiDAR equipped robot navigation on behavior-based formation control for gas leak localization Journal Article
In: 2020 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), pp. 89-94, 2020.
title = {LiDAR equipped robot navigation on behavior-based formation control for gas leak localization},
author = {Muhammad Agung Nursyeha and Muhammad Rivai and Djoko Purwanto},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-07-22},
journal = {2020 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA)},
pages = {89-94},
abstract = {The use of robots as human replacement for gas inspection and searching has significant benefit to reduce number human involved in accident. Gas detection method has difficulty since it is easy to be conveyed by airflow. Therefore, several robots are utilized by performing a defined formation and working together, thus they will reduce missed orientation to gas leak source. This paper discusses how single robot behave in behavior-based formation control. Robot equipped with Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) locates other robot, so they can maintain its formation. Moreover, gas sensor is attached as stereo nose to locate gas leak source. Fuzzy logic is deployed to approach how robot navigate itself in the formation. As a result, various direction and velocity occurs to perform a formation and move to gas leak source. Experimental results show that the robot can reach gas leak source in 36 to 132 seconds and …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Yuniarno, Eko Mulyanto; Fadlil, Junaidillah; Saputra, Muchlisin Adi; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
Robot Service for Elderly to Find Misplaced Items: A Resource Efficient Implementation on Low-Computational Device Journal Article
In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications Technology (IAICT), pp. 28-34, 2020.
title = {Robot Service for Elderly to Find Misplaced Items: A Resource Efficient Implementation on Low-Computational Device},
author = {Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno and Junaidillah Fadlil and Muchlisin Adi Saputra and I Ketut Eddy Purnama and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-07-07},
journal = {2020 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications Technology (IAICT)},
pages = {28-34},
abstract = {Elderly people often forget to put the items they need due to decreased memory. In this study, we developed an Integrated platform assistance robot providing support to elderly people. We developed a robot assistant platform that was equipped with an indoor positioning system that can help the elderly find misplaced items. Deep learning already has good accuracy in detecting the object but requires great computation resources. When applied to devices that have limited computing and memory capabilities such as robots, the computation time becomes slow or not applicable. We built a lightweight CNN that could run on a single board computer. To improve the accuracy of the network, we apply knowledge distillation by using an extensive network (YOLOv3) as a teacher. To increase computational speed, we do it by reducing the number of layers by implementing batch normalization fission. After being tested on …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Sarno, Riyanarto; Sungkono, Kelly Rossa
Recovering Truncated Streaming Event Log Using Coupled Hidden Markov Model Journal Article
In: International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 34 , pp. 2059012, 2020.
title = {Recovering Truncated Streaming Event Log Using Coupled Hidden Markov Model},
author = {Riyanarto Sarno and Kelly Rossa Sungkono},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-04-08},
journal = {International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence},
volume = {34},
pages = {2059012},
abstract = {Process discovery is a technique for obtaining process model based on traces recorded in the event log. Nowadays, information systems produce streaming event logs to record their huge processes. The truncated streaming event log is a big issue in process discovery because it inflicts incomplete traces that make process discovery depict wrong processes in a process model. Earlier research suggested several methods for recovering the truncated streaming event log and none of them utilized Coupled Hidden Markov Model. This research proposes a method that combines Coupled Hidden Markov Model with Double States and the Modification of Viterbi–Backward method for recovering the truncated streaming event log. The first layer of states contains the transition probability of activities. The second layer of states uses patterns for detecting traces which have a low appearance in the event log. The experiment …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Sunyoto, Andi; Harjoko, Agus; Wardoyo, Retantyo; Hariadi, Mochamad
Wrist Detection Based on a Minimum Bounding Box and Geometric Features Journal Article
In: Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 32 , pp. 208-215, 2020.
title = {Wrist Detection Based on a Minimum Bounding Box and Geometric Features},
author = {Andi Sunyoto and Agus Harjoko and Retantyo Wardoyo and Mochamad Hariadi},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-02-01},
journal = {Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences},
volume = {32},
pages = {208-215},
abstract = {Wrist detection is a crucial element in the hand-pose estimation and hand-gesture recognition processes in Human-Computer Interaction applications. Most methods use horizontal parallel lines to scan for the location of a wrist line. The challenging problems in wrist detection are determining the orientation and localising the horizontal parallel lines that scan for various hand poses. The proposed method automatically detects a wrist, based on a minimum bounding box and geometric features. It also determines the start and stop points to localise the scanning. The evaluation used a set of 1240 hand images with ground-truth data taken from three sets of data. The hand images contained several gestures and individuals to prove that the method is robust against various gestures. The evaluation shows that the method successfully detects the image orientation and the wrist points with high accuracy.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Wiratmo, Agung; Sungkono, Kelly Rossa; Sarno, Riyanarto
Graph-Based Algorithm for Checking Wrong Indirect Relationships in Non-Free Choice Journal Article
In: Telkomnika, 18 , pp. 106-113, 2020.
title = {Graph-Based Algorithm for Checking Wrong Indirect Relationships in Non-Free Choice},
author = {Agung Wiratmo and Kelly Rossa Sungkono and Riyanarto Sarno},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-02-01},
journal = {Telkomnika},
volume = {18},
pages = {106-113},
abstract = {In this context, this paper proposes a combination of parameterised decision mining and relation sequences to detect wrong indirect relationship in the non-free choice. The existing decision mining without parameter can only detect the direction, but not the correctness. This paper aims to identify the direction and correctness with decision mining with parameter. This paper discovers a graph process model based on the event log. Then, it analyses the graph process model for obtaining decision points. Each decision point is processed by using parameterised decision mining, so that decision rules are formed. The derived decision rules are used as parameters of checking wrong indirect relationship in the non-free choice. The evaluation shows that the checking wrong indirect relationships in non-free choice with parameterised decision mining have 100% accuracy, whereas the existing decision mining has 90.7% accuracy.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Sarno, Riyanarto; Sabilla, Shoffi Izza; Wijaya, Dedy Rahman
Electronic Nose for Detecting Multilevel Diabetes using Optimized Deep Neural Network Journal Article
In: Engineering Letters, 28 , 2020.
title = {Electronic Nose for Detecting Multilevel Diabetes using Optimized Deep Neural Network},
author = {Riyanarto Sarno and Shoffi Izza Sabilla and Dedy Rahman Wijaya},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-01-01},
journal = {Engineering Letters},
volume = {28},
abstract = {The application of electronic nose in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is the technology with early diagnosis feature, non-invasive and convenient. Hence, it has been favored by doctors and patients. Diabetes complication can cause acidosis, which is directly related to the content of blood ketone acids body [18],[29]. Acetone is a nalidixic acid which is an end product of metabolism contained in the blood and can be excreted through the breath. According to this relationship, using the electronic nose technology for direct detection of acetone content in breath can indirectly evaluate blood glucose values and understand the blood glucose changes. There is a researcher [30] identified the exhaled gas of patients with diabetes mellitus acquired from the hospital by the electronic nose shown in Figure 1 (a). Therefore, it demonstrates the feasibility of applying breath detection in the diabetes diagnosis. The weakness of previous research [18] was that e-nose only divided patients into 2 classes, diabetes and healthy patient which has the accuracy of 95%. The diagnosis of type 2 diabetes can also be conducted through urine odor detection. Moreover, there is a study [31] using collected urine samples from type 2 diabetic patients and normal healthy person, and detected urine odor molecules through the electronic nose technology shown in Figure 1 (b). The result shows that the detection rate of patients with type 2 diabetes is 95.00%. Other paper [32] pointed out that the detection rate of inflammatory bowel disease or diabetes by the electronic nose was approximately 97% in the study on evaluation and application of electronic nose technology for …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Rintyarna, Bagus Setya; Sarno, Riyanarto; Fatichah, Chastine
Enhancing the Performance of Sentiment Analysis Task on Product Reviews by Handling Both Local and Global Context Journal Article
In: International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences, 12 , pp. 75-101, 2020.
title = {Enhancing the Performance of Sentiment Analysis Task on Product Reviews by Handling Both Local and Global Context},
author = {Bagus Setya Rintyarna and Riyanarto Sarno and Chastine Fatichah},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-01-01},
journal = { International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences},
volume = {12},
pages = {75-101},
abstract = {Commonly, product review analysis includes extracting sentiment from product documents. The contextual aspect contained in a review document has potential to improve results obtained by the sentiment analysis task. In this regard, this paper proposes an approach that takes into account both local and global context. The main contribution of this work is threefold. Firstly, local context is defined and the graph-based word sense disambiguation (WSD) method is extended to assign the correct sense of a word in the context of a sentence. Secondly, global context is defined for addressing contextual issues related to the specific domain of a review document by using an improved SentiCircle-based method. Thirdly, a weighted mean-based strategy to determine sentiment value at document level is presented. Several experiments were conducted to assess the proposed method. Overall, the proposed method …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Rintyarna, Bagus Setya; Sarno, Riyanarto; Fatichah, Chastine
Evaluating the Performance of Sentence Level Features and Domain Sensitive Features of Product Reviews on Supervised Sentiment Analysis Tasks Journal Article
In: Journal of Big Data, 6 , pp. 1-19, 2019.
title = {Evaluating the Performance of Sentence Level Features and Domain Sensitive Features of Product Reviews on Supervised Sentiment Analysis Tasks},
author = {Bagus Setya Rintyarna and Riyanarto Sarno and Chastine Fatichah},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-12-01},
journal = {Journal of Big Data},
volume = {6},
pages = {1-19},
abstract = {With the popularity of e-commerce, posting online product reviews expressing customer’s sentiment or opinion towards products has grown exponentially. Sentiment analysis is a computational method that plays an essential role in automating the extraction of subjective information i.e. customer’s sentiment or opinion from online product reviews. Two approaches commonly used in Sentiment analysis tasks are supervised approaches and lexicon-based approaches. In supervised approaches, Sentiment analysis is seen as a text classification task. The result depends not only on the robustness of the machine learning algorithm but also on the utilized features. Bag-of-word is a common utilized features. As a statistical feature, bag-of-word does not take into account semantic of words. Previous research has indicated the potential of semantic in supervised SA task. To augment the result of sentiment analysis, this paper proposes a method to extract text features named sentence level features (SLF) and domain sensitive features (DSF) which take into account semantic of words in both sentence level and domain level of product reviews. A word sense disambiguation based method was adapted to extract SLF. For every similarity employed in generating SLF, the SentiCircle-based method was enhanced to generate DSF. Results of the experiments indicated that our proposed semantic features i.e. SLF and SLF + DSF favorably increase the performance of supervised sentiment analysis on product reviews.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Attamimi, Muhammad; Muhtadin, Muhtadin
Implementation of Ichiro Teen-Size Humanoid Robots For Supporting Autism Therapy Journal Article
In: JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering), 3 , 2019.
title = {Implementation of Ichiro Teen-Size Humanoid Robots For Supporting Autism Therapy},
author = {Muhammad Attamimi and Muhtadin Muhtadin},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-05-06},
journal = {JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering)},
volume = {3},
abstract = {
The humanoid robot is a robot which has human-like shapes and/or functions. For instance, a humanoid robot has a neck that connect the head to the body, two legs to support the body, and has two arms on the right-and left-side of its body. According to the RoboCup competition, the humanoid robot can be classified into several types based on their sizes, ie, kidsize, teen-size, and adult-size. In this study, we developed a teen-size humanoid robot with the aim of approaching the size of children’s bodies with autism to facilitate the interactions between the robot and the children. In general, the autism person is difficult to communicate with a normal person because there is a virtual wall that limits the world of the autism with the normal person. As long as the wall is standing upright, communication will be difficult, so that inconvenience occurred on both sides. Especially in children, the process learning will be hampered if communication is blocked. In many cases, the autism children more actively interact and/or communicate with objects such as books, toys, and so forth. This motivated us to use a humanoid robot as a mediator of interactions and/or communication with the autism to support their therapy. Of course the choice of humanoid robots must also be considered both financially and functionally. At present there are many commercial humanoid robots such as: NAO, Darwin-OP, and so forth. However, the price offered is relatively expensive and also inflexible capabilities because existing hardware and software can no longer be freely developed. Flexibility in hardware and software is very important for the implementation of a system that can …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
The humanoid robot is a robot which has human-like shapes and/or functions. For instance, a humanoid robot has a neck that connect the head to the body, two legs to support the body, and has two arms on the right-and left-side of its body. According to the RoboCup competition, the humanoid robot can be classified into several types based on their sizes, ie, kidsize, teen-size, and adult-size. In this study, we developed a teen-size humanoid robot with the aim of approaching the size of children’s bodies with autism to facilitate the interactions between the robot and the children. In general, the autism person is difficult to communicate with a normal person because there is a virtual wall that limits the world of the autism with the normal person. As long as the wall is standing upright, communication will be difficult, so that inconvenience occurred on both sides. Especially in children, the process learning will be hampered if communication is blocked. In many cases, the autism children more actively interact and/or communicate with objects such as books, toys, and so forth. This motivated us to use a humanoid robot as a mediator of interactions and/or communication with the autism to support their therapy. Of course the choice of humanoid robots must also be considered both financially and functionally. At present there are many commercial humanoid robots such as: NAO, Darwin-OP, and so forth. However, the price offered is relatively expensive and also inflexible capabilities because existing hardware and software can no longer be freely developed. Flexibility in hardware and software is very important for the implementation of a system that can …
Diharja, Reza; Rivai, Muhammad; Mujiono, Totok; Pirngadi, Harris
Carbon Monoxide Sensor Based on Non-Dispersive Infrared Principle Journal Article
In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1201 , pp. 012012, 2019.
title = {Carbon Monoxide Sensor Based on Non-Dispersive Infrared Principle},
author = {Reza Diharja and Muhammad Rivai and Totok Mujiono and Harris Pirngadi},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-05-01},
journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
volume = {1201},
pages = {012012},
abstract = {Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the toxic air pollution produced in incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels. At a certain threshold of concentration, this gas can harm the environments and affect the human health. Unfortunately, it cannot be detected by humans. In this study, CO gas detection has been designed and constructed using the principle of Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR). An incandescent light bulb is used to provide infrared source. An optical filter based on interferometry with a bandpass of about 4.63 μm is used to pass the light which corresponds to the CO gas absorption. The TPS 334 thermopile sensor is used to measure light intensity after gas absorption. The built-in RTD in the thermopile is involved to compensate the results of the gas concentration measurement. The experimental result shows that this NDIR sensor can measure CO gas concentration with a sensitivity of about 7 mV / ppm.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Rivai, Muhammad; Purwanto, Djoko
Olfactory Arm Mobile Robot for Object Inspection Based on Fuzzy Logic and Support Vector Machine Journal Article
In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1196 , pp. 012019, 2019.
title = {Olfactory Arm Mobile Robot for Object Inspection Based on Fuzzy Logic and Support Vector Machine},
author = {Muhammad Rivai and Djoko Purwanto},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-03-01},
journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
volume = {1196},
pages = {012019},
abstract = {In recent years, there have been suspicious objects containing chemical materials intentionally placed on roads, fields and parking lots. The objects are considered harmful to be examined. Therefore, we need tools that can replace people in checking the dangerous objects. Robot is considered as a technology that can be applied to handle it. This study has designed a mobile robot system equipped with robotic arm and electronic nose to inspect the suspected object. The robotic arm is used to bring the electronic nose closer to the object’s surface. This robot can find the source of gas and surround the object with a distance of 20 cm. The movement of the mobile robot and robotic arm is controlled using fuzzy logic. The Support Vector Machine method is used to identify gas types. This olfactory arm mobile robot can find a gas source and recognize the type of gas with a success rate of 92%.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Widyantara, Helmy; Rivai, Muhammad; Purwanto, Djoko
Wind Direction Sensor Based on Thermal Anemometer for Olfactory Mobile Robot Journal Article
In: Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 13 , pp. 475-484, 2019.
title = {Wind Direction Sensor Based on Thermal Anemometer for Olfactory Mobile Robot},
author = {Helmy Widyantara and Muhammad Rivai and Djoko Purwanto},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-02-01},
journal = {Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science},
volume = {13},
pages = {475-484},
abstract = {A wind direction sensor has been implemented for many applications, such as navigation, weather, and air pollution monitoring. In an odor tracking system, the wind plays the important role to carry gas from its source. Therefore, the precise, low-cost, and effective wind direction sensor is required to trace the gas source. In this study, a new design of wind direction sensor has been developed using thermal anemometer principle with the main component of the positive temperature coefficient thermistor. Three anemometers each of which has different directions are used as inputs for the neural network to determine the direction of the wind automatically. The experimental results show that the wind sensor system is able to detect twelve wind directions. A mobile robot equipped with this sensor system can navigate to a wind source in the open air with a success rate of 80%. This system is expected to increase the success rate of the olfactory mobile robot in searching for dangerous leaking gas in the open air.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Sarno, Riyanarto; Wijaya, Dedy Rahman
Recent Development in Electronic Nose Data Processing for Beef Quality Assessment Journal Article
In: Telkomnika, 17 , pp. 337-348, 2019.
title = {Recent Development in Electronic Nose Data Processing for Beef Quality Assessment},
author = {Riyanarto Sarno and Dedy Rahman Wijaya},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-02-01},
journal = {Telkomnika},
volume = {17},
pages = {337-348},
abstract = {Beef is kind of perishable food that easily to decay. Hence, a rapid system for beef quality assessment is needed to guarantee the quality of beef. In the last few years, electronic nose (e-nose) is developed for beef spoilage detection. In this paper, we discuss the challenges of e-nose application to beef quality assessment, especially in e-nose data processing. We also provide a summary of our previous studies that explains several methods to deal with gas sensor noise, sensor array optimization problem, beef quality classification, and prediction of the microbial population in beef sample. This paper might be useful for researchers and practitioners to understand the challenges and methods of e-nose data processing for beef quality assessment.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Sooai, Adri Gabriel; Khamid,; Yoshimoto, Kayo; Takahashi, Hideya; Sumpeno, Surya; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition on 3D Virtual Cultural Heritage Ancient Collection Objects Using K-Nearest Neighbor Bachelor Thesis
title = {Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition on 3D Virtual Cultural Heritage Ancient Collection Objects Using K-Nearest Neighbor},
author = {Adri Gabriel Sooai and Khamid and Kayo Yoshimoto and Hideya Takahashi and Surya Sumpeno and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-08-28},
journal = {Engineering Letters},
volume = {26},
pages = {356-363},
abstract = {This paper discusses on how to prepare a specific dynamic hand gesture, modeling and testing it to interact with 3D virtual objects of cultural heritage ancient collection. Those virtual objects prepared to avoid damage on the original one. Several kinds of research work for recreation or reactivating ancient heritage for educational purposes can take place using it. The dynamic hand gesture detected using hand movement sensor. We recorded ten specific dynamic hand gesture that stands for the interaction between museum visitors and the ancient collection chosen for the test. All ten gestures consist of fingers tips coordinates, palm, and wrist movement. A Total of 14474 rows in 30 features forming fingers and palm movements information. Those gestures namely: pick-up, sweep from right to left, sweep from left to right, grab from above, grab from the right side, pinch from above, pointing, scooping, push and picking …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {bachelorthesis}
Syafaah, Lailis; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery; Basuki, Setio
Discrete Mean Amplitude of Glycemic Excursion (MAGE) Measurement on Diabetics with Spline Interpolation Method Journal Article
In: International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 10 , pp. 259-270, 2018.
title = {Discrete Mean Amplitude of Glycemic Excursion (MAGE) Measurement on Diabetics with Spline Interpolation Method},
author = {Lailis Syafaah and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo and Setio Basuki},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-01-01},
journal = {International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics},
volume = {10},
pages = {259-270},
abstract = {Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease that is characterized by glycemic disorders, including sustained chronic hyperglycemia and acute glucose fluctuations. Because DM is closely related to the body metabolism, the observation of the blood vessels becomes very important to perform. The observation is done by using the Mean Amplitude of Glycemic Excursion (MAGE). Definitively, MAGE is an important variable to solve clinical DM problems that contributes in generating oxidative stress related to the macro and microvascular complications. MAGE is technically used with continuous blood glucose data which is obtained by Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM). Because of the CGM is expensive for personal use, it cannot be used in the daily observation. The contribution of this study is the utilization of discrete data (3 days observation) to be used in MAGE measurement. This research employs Spline Interpolation technique to convert discrete blood glucose data to continuous signal. The validation of interpolated signal is conducted by comparing the pattern of discrete data and continuous signal for both original and clustered data. The experiment showed that both scenarios depicted identical pattern. The smallest RMSE was achieved by Linear Spline with 57.66 while the highest RMSE value was obtained by Quadratic Spline with 177.00.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Masdiyasa, IG Susrama; Purnama, IK Eddy; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
A New Method to Improve Movement Tracking of Human Sperms Journal Article
In: IAENG Int. J. Comput. Sci, 45 , pp. 1-9, 2018.
title = {A New Method to Improve Movement Tracking of Human Sperms},
author = {IG Susrama Masdiyasa and IK Eddy Purnama and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-01-01},
urldate = {2018-01-01},
journal = {IAENG Int. J. Comput. Sci},
volume = {45},
pages = {1-9},
abstract = {One of the determinants of sperm quality is the motility of spermatozoa. The motility of spermatozoa is measured by microscopic sperm test. Conventionally; the determination of sperm motility is performed by experts, in which the judgment tends to be subjective. The existence of Computer-Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA) is beneficial in solving problems related to the emergence of subjectivity in the determination of sperm motility. Generally, CASA and researchers in this field use phase contrast microscopes to obtain images with higher contrast. In this study, the position and motility determinations of spermatozoa in the video were performed using video records taken from a bright field microscope with low contrast, along with various other deficiencies. With a combination of several stages of works, namely frame difference background subtraction, contrastsetting with Otsu threshold as an indicator, filtering process using mathematical morphology to determine the position of objects, as well as linear regression and root mean square value (RMS) calculations. From the results of experimental tests performed on human spermatozoa video data, the above method indicated that the positions of sperm motility from tracking results had recognizable trajectories based on the average distance position to the linear regression line, with an RMS threshold of 10. There were ten progressive spermatozoa and four non-progressive spermatozoa. The method used successfully determined 14 human spermatozoa. There were 71% progressive spermatozoa, while the remaining 29% were non-progressive. Under the WHO 2010 guidelines, a 71% percentage …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Wibowo, Hardianto; Yuniarno, Eko Mulyanto; Widayati, Aris; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
Frontalis Muscle Strength Calculation Based On 3D Image Using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and Confidence Interval Journal Article
In: Telkomnika, 16 , pp. 368-375, 2018.
title = {Frontalis Muscle Strength Calculation Based On 3D Image Using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and Confidence Interval},
author = {Hardianto Wibowo and Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno and Aris Widayati and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-01-01},
journal = {Telkomnika},
volume = {16},
pages = {368-375},
abstract = {One of the effects of the disorders of nervus VII (n. Facialis) is the damage of facial muscle. The research is needed in order to detect or as the therapies aids on the damage of the VII nerve by measuring the strength of maximum contraction, to help a therapy or detect the damage which caused by the decreasing of the VII nerve function. These measurement is taken from the difference on myofibrin when the contractions, because when the contraction happen, the myofibrin will distend and the difference can be detected as the strength of contraction. From the result of the comparison, EMG with the test result is the shift muscle movement amount of 1.367 up to 4.460. The mean value of rest muscle is in the range of 0.635 with interval at+0.463, on the move muscles the mean value of the muscle moving is in the range of 3,563 with interval at+1,069. This test is linear with the data EMG},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Sarno, Riyanarto; Sinaga, Fernandes; Sungkono, Kelly Rossa
Anomaly Detection in Business Processes using Process Mining and Fuzzy Association Rule Learning Journal Article
In: Journal of Big Data, 7 , pp. 1-19, 2020.
title = {Anomaly Detection in Business Processes using Process Mining and Fuzzy Association Rule Learning},
author = {Riyanarto Sarno and Fernandes Sinaga and Kelly Rossa Sungkono},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-12-01},
journal = {Journal of Big Data},
volume = {7},
pages = {1-19},
abstract = {Much corporate organization nowadays implement enterprise resource planning (ERP) to manage their business processes. Because the processes run continuously, ERP produces a massive log of processes. Manual observation will have difficulty monitoring the enormous log, especially detecting anomalies. It needs the method that can detect anomalies in the large log. This paper proposes the integration of process mining, fuzzy multi-attribute decision making and fuzzy association rule learning to detect anomalies. Process mining analyses the conformance between recorded event logs and standard operating procedures. The fuzzy multi-attribute decision making is applied to determine the anomaly rates. Finally, the fuzzy association rule learning develops association rules that will be employed to detect anomalies. The results of our experiment showed that the accuracy of the association rule learning …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Arraziqi, Dwi; Sardjono, Tri Arief; Miawarni, Herti; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
Detection of Parkinson’s Disease at The Level of Motor Experiences of Daily Living Using Spiral Handwriting Journal Article
In: 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 39-46, 2020.
title = {Detection of Parkinson’s Disease at The Level of Motor Experiences of Daily Living Using Spiral Handwriting},
author = {Dwi Arraziqi and Tri Arief Sardjono and Herti Miawarni and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-17},
journal = {2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {39-46},
abstract = {Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurological disease that gradually worsens and affects the brain's part that functions to coordinate body movements. As a result, sufferers have difficulty regulating body movements, including when talking, walking, and writing. The diagnosis of PD patients can be analyzed through handwriting. Measurement of Parkinson's disease at the level of motor experiences of daily living uses handwriting tasks. This paper aims to evaluate various image feature extraction techniques from handwriting. Handwriting were collected from 102 subjects (51 PD and 51 healthy control (HC)) The proposed method uses feature extraction of Histogram of Gradient (HOG), Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB), Speed-Up Robust Feature (SURF), Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), Color Gradient Histogram (CGH) and KAZE. Classifiers based on Random Forest (RF). The analysis shows that the …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Ciptaningrum, Adiratna; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy; Rachmadi, Reza Fuad
U-Net Segmentation Achieve Clinically of HT29 Colon-Cancer Cell to Analyze Variations Morphology in Mitotic Defects and Micro Nuclei Journal Article
In: 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 47-51, 2020.
title = {U-Net Segmentation Achieve Clinically of HT29 Colon-Cancer Cell to Analyze Variations Morphology in Mitotic Defects and Micro Nuclei},
author = {Adiratna Ciptaningrum and I Ketut Eddy Purnama and Reza Fuad Rachmadi},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-17},
journal = {2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {47-51},
abstract = {Highly regarded techniques task to analyze mitotic defects and micro nuclei often used to identify cancer cells metastasize on the basis of a medical pathology evaluation. However, the above-mentioned fragmented proliferative of cancer cells during mitosis also reveals error-prone, even trained hands or clinicians. The segmentation task required to minimize error-prone might well be accomplished through several medical analyses. This approach is typically complicated and requires the assistance of powerful computational tools. The experimental approach is tested with HT-29 colon cancer cell datasets. The U-Net segmentation approach significantly improves metric segmentation performance. The outcomes obtained from the data analysis is IoU 94.30, Dice Coefficient 87.84, Precision 90.58, Reca1191.81, Accuracy 94.51, Loss 16.65, and Fl-Score 91.19.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Siregar, Rahmat Fauzi; Mujiono, Totok
Development of pH Sensing Devices Based on Optical Fluorescents with Rapid Measurement, Low Cost and Wireless Monitoring Journal Article
In: JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering), 4 , 2020.
title = {Development of pH Sensing Devices Based on Optical Fluorescents with Rapid Measurement, Low Cost and Wireless Monitoring},
author = {Rahmat Fauzi Siregar and Totok Mujiono},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-10-16},
journal = {JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering)},
volume = {4},
abstract = {The level of acid or base in water based on solution (pH) is a very important measure for living things because about 70% in the body consists of water. Most of the metabolism in the body requires a certain pH level. Having a rapid and accurate pH meter is very demanding, but most of the available pH meters take several minutes to measure the pH of the liquid. The measured water is mixed with fluorescent liquid and then excited with violet light at a wavelength of 405 nm. We have developed a pH meter based on optical fluorescent using pyranine extracted from yellow highlighter using isopropyl alcohol. The pH meter based on optical fluorescent have advantage compared to other methods in terms of measurement time. The intensity of the green fluorescent emitted from the liquid sample is then captured by the AS7262 spectral sensor. A pH sensing device has been developed, tested and verified to be able to measure pH from a range of 4 to 11 with an accuracy of 98.13%, a reading error value of±0.13 and only takes less than 3 seconds to take measurements.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Novitasari, Made Dwi; Wibawa, Adhi Dharma; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery; Islamiyah, Wardah Rahmatul; Fatoni, Ali
Investigating EEG Pattern During Designed-Hand Movement Tasks in Stroke Patients Journal Article
In: 2020 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), pp. 141-147, 2020.
title = {Investigating EEG Pattern During Designed-Hand Movement Tasks in Stroke Patients},
author = {Made Dwi Novitasari and Adhi Dharma Wibawa and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo and Wardah Rahmatul Islamiyah and Ali Fatoni},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-07-22},
journal = {2020 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA)},
pages = {141-147},
abstract = {Stroke is a catastrophic disease with the second-highest mortality rate in the world. It is also the leading cause of disability in many countries. A stroke rehabilitation program is crucial for the recovery process of post-stroke patients. It must be supported by measurable monitoring. Rehabilitation monitoring is currently still carried out through visual and manual observation, so the measurement results have not been well presented and subjective. Monitoring using EEG can provide solutions to these needs. During the monitoring process, significant parameters of EEG need to be explored. This study aims to find the most stable parameters that could be applied as a basis for measuring progress in stroke rehabilitation monitoring. The parameters are searched by calculating the difference between the value of the features of healthy hand movements with affected hand movements in the same individual stroke patients …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Risqiwati, Diah; Wibawa, Adhi Dharma; Pane, Evi Septiana; Islamiyah, Wardah Rahmatul; Tyas, Agnes Estuning; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
Feature selection for EEG-based fatigue analysis using pearson correlation Journal Article
In: 2020 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), pp. 164-169, 2020.
title = {Feature selection for EEG-based fatigue analysis using pearson correlation},
author = {Diah Risqiwati and Adhi Dharma Wibawa and Evi Septiana Pane and Wardah Rahmatul Islamiyah and Agnes Estuning Tyas and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-07-22},
journal = {2020 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA)},
pages = {164-169},
abstract = {Mental fatigue is one kind of exhaustion that occurs in a person's mental state. Mental fatigue will arise if the brain is continuously forced to work. This mental fatigue is also common to happen to the senior high school student, especially in Indonesia because mostly they attend the school as a full day school. This study is exploring the mental fatigue condition in 13 senior high school students who attend a full day school by using EEG by selecting the appropriate feature for recognizing the mental fatigue. Recently, EEG technology has been implemented by some studies in the past to explore mental fatigue. In this study, EEG recording is held in the morning and carried out without stimulation. Meanwhile second measurement is used as a test condition. In the second test, the EEG recording was held in the afternoon, and stimulation of the arithmetic test was given to induce the fatigue. Baseline conditions describe the …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Purwitasari, Diana; Fatichah, Chastine; Sumpeno, Surya; Steglich, Christian; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
Identifying Collaboration Dynamics of Bipartite Author-Topic Networks with the Influences of Interest Changes Journal Article
In: Scientometrics, 122 , pp. 1407-1443, 2020.
title = {Identifying Collaboration Dynamics of Bipartite Author-Topic Networks with the Influences of Interest Changes},
author = {Diana Purwitasari and Chastine Fatichah and Surya Sumpeno and Christian Steglich and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-03-01},
journal = {Scientometrics},
volume = {122},
pages = {1407-1443},
abstract = {Knowing driving factors and understanding researcher behaviors from the dynamics of collaborations over time offer some insights, i.e. help funding agencies in designing research grant policies. We present longitudinal network analysis on the observed collaborations through co-authorship over 15 years. Since co-authors possibly influence researchers to have interest changes, by focusing on researchers who could become the influencer, we propose a stochastic actor-oriented model of bipartite (two-mode) author-topic networks from article metadata. Information of scientific fields or topics of article contents, which could represent the interests of researchers, are often unavailable in the metadata. Topic absence issue differentiates this work with other studies on collaboration dynamics from article metadata of title-abstract and author properties. Therefore, our works also include procedures to extract and map …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Anshory, I; Robandi, I; Wirawan, W; Jamaaluddin, J
Identification and Implementation Hybrid Fuzzy Logic and PID Controller for Speed Control of BLDC Motor Journal Article
In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1402 , pp. 033080, 2019.
title = {Identification and Implementation Hybrid Fuzzy Logic and PID Controller for Speed Control of BLDC Motor},
author = {I Anshory and I Robandi and W Wirawan and J Jamaaluddin},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-12-01},
journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
volume = {1402},
pages = {033080},
abstract = {One of the problems in the optimization process in the Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) speed control system is to obtain a mathematical model in the form of a transfer function. The purpose of this study to mathematically model BLDC motors in transfer functions, and optimization using Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) controllers, and fuzzy logic to tune PID controller parameters. The first method used is the process of identifying input and output data from the BLDC motor physical system. The input and output data of the test results simulated to form a mathematical model. The mathematical model of BLDC motor used as the basis for carrying out the optimization process with open loop systems, PID controllers, and fuzzy logic. The results of the research on the optimization process of the BLDC motor speed control system with the fuzzy logic methods obtained the best value for rise time value of 1.25 …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Anshory, Izza; Robandi, Imam; Ohki, Makoto
System Identification of BLDC Motor and Optimization Speed Control Using Artificial Intelligent Journal Article
In: International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10 , 2019.
title = {System Identification of BLDC Motor and Optimization Speed Control Using Artificial Intelligent},
author = {Izza Anshory and Imam Robandi and Makoto Ohki},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-08-01},
journal = {International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology},
volume = {10},
abstract = {BLDC motors have the main contribution in the transportation industry applications, for example, is used as the driving electric bicycles. The purpose of this paper is to explain how to improve the performance of BLDC motors with optimization. The method used in this study first experimented with collecting input and output data on a BLDC motor with a specification of 350-watt power. Input and output data was simulated by the ARX method to identify the transfer function equation. After obtaining the transfer function equation, simulations and analyses are performed using several optimization methods, such as PID, Fuzzy, Hybrid Fuzzy PID, and the last is by combining fuzzy and PID optimized with PSO algorithm. The results showed that the combination of Fuzzy and PID optimization with the PSO Algorithm could improve performance effectively and efficiently.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Amaliah, Bilqis; Fatichah, Chastine; Suryani, Erma
Total Opportunity Cost Matrix–Minimal total: A New Approach to Determine Initial Basic Feasible Solution of a Transportation Problem Journal Article
In: Egyptian Informatics Journal, 20 , pp. 131-141, 2019.
title = {Total Opportunity Cost Matrix–Minimal total: A New Approach to Determine Initial Basic Feasible Solution of a Transportation Problem},
author = {Bilqis Amaliah and Chastine Fatichah and Erma Suryani},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-07-01},
journal = {Egyptian Informatics Journal},
volume = {20},
pages = {131-141},
abstract = {Transportation Problem (TP) deals with cost planning for delivering the product from the source to the destination and Initial Basic Feasible Solution (IBFS) is presented to find the way out in obtaining an optimal solution. IBFS is an important element to reach an optimal result. The previous methods related to it did not always provide the satisfied result all the time. Therefore a new method called Total Opportunity Cost Matrix – Minimal Total (TOCM-MT) to determine IBFS as a basic solution to solve TP was proposed. The objective is to achieve a total cost with similar or closer values to the optimal solution. TOCM for the initial matrix and a better mechanism are highly considered to obtain IBFS. Thirty-one numerical examples, in which twenty-five were selected from some journals and six were generated randomly, were used to evaluate the performance of it. The proposed method has been compared to Vogel’s …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Alamsyah, Mauridhi Hery Purnomo; Setijadi, Eko; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy
MPR Selection to the OLSR Quality of Service in MANET Using Preferred Group Broadcasting Journal Article
In: IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 46 , pp. 192-198, 2019.
title = {MPR Selection to the OLSR Quality of Service in MANET Using Preferred Group Broadcasting},
author = {Mauridhi Hery Purnomo Alamsyah and Eko Setijadi and I Ketut Eddy Purnama},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-05-27},
journal = {IAENG International Journal of Computer Science},
volume = {46},
pages = {192-198},
abstract = {Optimized link state routing (OLSR) is a proactive routing protocol that works on the mobile ad hoc network (MANET) by updating information on the routing tables regularly. This protocol has characteristics namely its rapid route search, it does not require any centered setting in handling routing process, it based on multi-hop routing, and it adopts the concept of multi-point relay (MPR). However, MPR node selection in standard OLSR has not worked optimally due to the choice of two-hop neighbors for every node. Furthermore, it results in a large number of topology control (TC) messages in broadcasting neighbor nodes. To overcome problems in OLSR performance, the researcher proposed an algorithm of Preferred Group Broadcasting (PGB) to select the MPR node optimally, reducing the excessive packet redundancy, and improving the quality of service (QoS). This algorithm selects the MPR node based on the …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Yuhana, Umi Laili; Rochimah, Siti; Yuniarno, Eko Mulyanto; Rysbekova, Aliia; Tormasi, Alex; Koczy, Laszlo T; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
A Rule-based Expert System for Automatic Question Classification in Mathematics Adaptive Assessment on Indonesian Elementary School Environment Journal Article
title = {A Rule-based Expert System for Automatic Question Classification in Mathematics Adaptive Assessment on Indonesian Elementary School Environment},
author = {Umi Laili Yuhana and Siti Rochimah and Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno and Aliia Rysbekova and Alex Tormasi and Laszlo T Koczy and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-02-01},
volume = {15},
pages = {143-161},
abstract = {This paper is part of research in developing a competency-based assessment system for mathematics in Indonesian elementary school environment. An essential task is to accurately classify questions based on competency and difficulty level. Thus, an expert system is needed to classify those questions since competency information is often manually defined by experts. The objectives of this work are replacing a human expert’s role in the related knowledge engineering process and providing a rule-based expert system to supersede an expert to classify the questions. Five types of the rule-based algorithm: OneR, RIPPER, PART, FURIA, and J48, were applied to the dataset, which is comprised of 9454 real mathematics examination questions collected from several Indonesian elementary schools. Following the knowledge engineering principles, these algorithms generated the classification rules based on a pattern of the data. The rules of the best performing algorithm were utilized by a knowledge base for inference. Finally, to be able to fully measure the system performance, ten expert teachers were involved in the question classification step. The results confirm that the system meets the stated objectives in classifying the competency and the difficulty level of a question automatically.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Alamsyah, Mauridhi Hery Purnomo; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy; Setijadi, Eko
MPR Selection to the OLSR Quality of Service in MANET using Minmax Algorithm Journal Article
In: International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 9 , pp. 417-425, 2019.
title = {MPR Selection to the OLSR Quality of Service in MANET using Minmax Algorithm},
author = {Mauridhi Hery Purnomo Alamsyah and I Ketut Eddy Purnama and Eko Setijadi},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-02-01},
journal = {International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)},
volume = {9},
pages = {417-425},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Jamaaluddin, J; Robandi, Imam; Anshory, Izza
title = {A Very Short-Term Load Forecasting in Time of Peak Loads using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System: A Case Study on Java Bali Electrical System},
author = {J Jamaaluddin and Imam Robandi and Izza Anshory},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-02-01},
volume = {14},
pages = {464-478},
abstract = {The process of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity to the customer must be operated properly as they are related to economic problems. One of these planning processes is a very short term forecasting. A very short term load forecasting was done one day before the day of operation that has a planning time interval every 30 minutes. Fuzzy logic is one of the methods in very short term load forecasting. This study used Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System (IT-2FIS) since it has high flexibility. IT-2FIS is the development of the Footprint of Uncertainty (FOU) at IT-1FIS method that has a very flexible advantage in changing FOU, so it is supportive to form the initial processing of time series data, computation, simulation and system model validation. The implementation of IT-2 FIS was on a very short term load forecasting in peak load time. This study found an average of very short term forecasting …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Putri, Ratna Ika; Mahmudi, Irwan; Pujiantara, Margo; Priyadi, Ardyono; Taufik, Taufik; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
Modified Firefly Algorithm for Improved Maximum Power Extraction on Wind Energy Conversion System Journal Article
In: International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER), 8 , pp. 1208-1216, 2018.
title = {Modified Firefly Algorithm for Improved Maximum Power Extraction on Wind Energy Conversion System},
author = {Ratna Ika Putri and Irwan Mahmudi and Margo Pujiantara and Ardyono Priyadi and Taufik Taufik and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-09-08},
journal = {International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER)},
volume = {8},
pages = {1208-1216},
abstract = {This paper presents a maximum power extraction and control system using modified firefly algorithm (MFA) to achieve high efficiency maximum power extraction from a grid-tied wind turbine using permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). To get maximum power extraction from the PMSG, the MFA adjusts duty cycle of boost converter based on rectifier’ s output voltage and current. Simulation results show that MFA successfully achieves tracking capability under varying wind speed to acquire the maximum power during constant power coefficient operation of the wind turbine. The MFA also yields higher efficiency, faster response and lower integral of time and absolute error (ITAE) compared to the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the perturb and observe (P&O) counterparts. The proposed MFA was further tested empirically against P&O method to extract maximum power on a 500W lab-scale …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Rahmat, Basuki; Joelianto, Endra; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
An Improved Mean Shift Using Adaptive Fuzzy Gaussian Kernel for Indonesia Vehicle License Plate Tracking Journal Article
In: IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 45 , pp. 45:3, IJCS_45_3_10, 2018.
title = {An Improved Mean Shift Using Adaptive Fuzzy Gaussian Kernel for Indonesia Vehicle License Plate Tracking},
author = {Basuki Rahmat and Endra Joelianto and I Ketut Eddy Purnama and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-08-28},
urldate = {2018-08-28},
journal = {IAENG International Journal of Computer Science},
volume = {45},
pages = {45:3, IJCS_45_3_10},
abstract = {A new approach toward Indonesian vehicles license plate tracking based on video recordings of vehicles on the highway, is proposed. The tracking technique is used to improve the performance of a standard Mean Shift with a Gaussian kernel by selecting the appropriate kernel radius using an adaptive fuzzy mechanism. The purpose of kernel radius variation of Parzen window is to keep or maximize the mean of the similarity function outputs which implies a successful tracking process. The experimental results show that Improved Mean Shift using Adaptive Fuzzy Gaussian Kernel proved to have better effects as compared to the Standard Mean Shift.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Sujono, Hari Agus; Rivai, Muhammad; Amin, Muhammad
Asthma Identification Using Gas Sensors and Support Vector Machine Journal Article
In: Telkomnika, 16 , pp. 1468-1480, 2018.
title = {Asthma Identification Using Gas Sensors and Support Vector Machine},
author = {Hari Agus Sujono and Muhammad Rivai and Muhammad Amin},
url = {},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-08-01},
journal = {Telkomnika},
volume = {16},
pages = {1468-1480},
abstract = {The exhaled breath analysis is a procedure of measuring several types of gases that aim to identify various diseases in the human body. The purpose of this study is to analyze the gases contained in the exhaled breath in order to recognize healthy and asthma subjects with varying severity. An electronic nose consisting of seven gas sensors equipped with the Support Vector Machine classification method is used to analyze the gases to determine the patient's condition. Non-linear binary classification is used to identify healthy and asthma subjects, whereas the multiclass classification is applied to recognize the subjects of asthma with different severity. The result of this study showed that the system provided a low accuracy to distinguish the subjects of asthma with varying severity. This system can only differentiate between partially controlled and uncontrolled asthma subjects with good accuracy. However, this system can provide high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy to distinguish between healthy and asthma subjects. The use of five gas sensors in the electronic nose system has the best accuracy in the classification results of 89.5%. The gases of carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, volatile organic compounds, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide contained in the exhaled breath are the dominant indications as biomarkers of asthma. The performance of electronic nose was highly dependent on the ability of sensor array to analyze gas type in the sample. Therefore, in further study we will employ the sensors having higher sensitivity to detect lower concentration of the marker gases.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Ahmed, Saleh; Qaosar, Mahboob; Sholikah, Rizka Wakhidatus; Morimoto, Yasuhiko
Early dementia detection through conversations to virtual personal assistant Bachelor Thesis
title = {Early dementia detection through conversations to virtual personal assistant},
author = {Saleh Ahmed and Mahboob Qaosar and Rizka Wakhidatus Sholikah and Yasuhiko Morimoto},
url = {},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-03-15},
journal = {2018 AAAI Spring Symposium Series},
abstract = {Early detection and routine follow up of dementia are important because it can slow down the progress of the disease. The most common way to detect dementia is based on cognitive tests. The tests are usually done in the clinical setup with the help of a psycho-metrically trained examiner. Revised Hasegawa’sDementia Scale (HDS-R) is one of the prominent screening tests for dementia. We propose a method for early dementia detection by using a Virtual Personal Assistant (VPA) on a computer that has a natural language user interface, such asAmazon Echo, Apple Siri, Google Home, Microsoft Cortana, Soft bank Pepper, Sharp RoBoHon, etc. In our proposal, we consider HDS-R as a guideline to examine dementia. A VPA extracts the necessary features from the verbal and interactive response of the patient to compute the level of dementia. Such implicit checking is physically and mentally much comfortable for old people. We believe the proposed method will be able to contribute future society.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {bachelorthesis}
Sawitri, DR; Heryanto, MA; Suprijono, H; Purnomo, MH; Putro, Benyamin Kusumo
In: International Review of Electrical Engineering, 13 , pp. 98-106, 2018.
title = {Vibration-signature-based Inter-turn Short Circuit Identification in a Three-phase Induction Motor using Multiple Hidden Layer Back Propagation Neural Networks},
author = {DR Sawitri and MA Heryanto and H Suprijono and MH Purnomo and Benyamin Kusumo Putro},
url = {},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-01-01},
journal = {International Review of Electrical Engineering},
volume = {13},
pages = {98-106},
abstract = {Inter-turn short circuits in stator windings area fairly common fault in induction motors. Early detection of this type of fault will greatly assist in sustaining production processes in manufacture. This paper proposes a method to detect inter-turn short circuits in stator windings at an early stage. The proposed method consists of four steps:(1) preprocessing by decomposing the signal into detail and approximation signals using a wavelet transform,(2) converting the first detail signal into a frequency-based signal using fast Fourier transform,(3) calculating the values of statistical features for the signal in time and frequency domains and (4) identifying faults using a back propagation neural network (BPNN). Using BPNN architecture with 3 hidden layers and 75 neurons per layer, the identified recognition rate was96. 67% with a mean square error of 1.39× 10-5. The validity of the proposed method is excellent based on a receiver operating characteristic analysis, with a precision level of 94.66%.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Arifin,; Sumpeno, Surya; Hariadi, Mochamad
A Model of Indonesian Dynamic Visemes From Facial Motion Capture Database Using A Clustering-Based Approach Journal Article
In: IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 44 , pp. 41-51, 2017.
title = {A Model of Indonesian Dynamic Visemes From Facial Motion Capture Database Using A Clustering-Based Approach},
author = {Arifin and Surya Sumpeno and Mochamad Hariadi},
url = {},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-03-01},
urldate = {2017-03-01},
journal = {IAENG International Journal of Computer Science},
volume = {44},
pages = {41-51},
abstract = {Realistic 3D facial animation is a challenging task in the entertainment industries. One of the efforts is to build a realistic lips animation. This research aims to build a model of Indonesian Dynamic visemes based on the results of the clustering process of the facial motion capture (MoCap) database. The Subspace LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis) method is used to reduce the dimension. The Subspace LDA method is a combination of the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and the LDA method. The clustering process is used to make up a natural grouping of data features which its dimensions are reduced into a number of groups. The quality of cluster results is measured by using Sum Square Error (SSE) and a ratio of Between-Class Variation (BCW) and Within-Class Variation (WCV). The measurement shows that the results of the clustering process achieving the best quality occurs at k= 38. In this research, it has been found out that the class structure of Indonesian dynamic visemes consists of 39 classes (38 classes from the clustering process and 1 class for neutral). For the future work, the results of this research can be used as a basis to build Indonesian visual speech synthesis smoother and as a reference to determine a structure of Indonesian dynamic visemes based on linguistic knowledge.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Yosi Kristian, Hideya Takahashi; Purnama, Eddy; Ketut, I; Yoshimoto, Kayo; Setiawan, Esther Irawati; Hanindito, Elizeus; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
A Novel Approach on Infant Facial Pain Classification using Multi Stage Classifier and Geometrical-Textural Features Combination Journal Article
In: IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 44 , 2017.
title = {A Novel Approach on Infant Facial Pain Classification using Multi Stage Classifier and Geometrical-Textural Features Combination},
author = {Yosi Kristian, Hideya Takahashi and Eddy Purnama and I Ketut and Kayo Yoshimoto and Esther Irawati Setiawan and Elizeus Hanindito and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-03-01},
journal = {IAENG International Journal of Computer Science},
volume = {44},
abstract = {Infants are unable to communicate pain, they cry to express their pain. In this paper we describe the most effective feature for infant facial pain classification. The image dataset was classified by medical doctors and nurses based on cortisol hormone difference and FLACC (Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability) measurement. In this paper we try a number of features based on Action Unit (AU) for infant facial pain classification and discover that the best features are combination between geometrical and textural features. We trained our own Active Shape Model (ASM) and extracted the geometrical features based on landmark points found by our ASM. The textural features are extracted using Local Binary Patterns (LBP) from multiple facial patches. We also experiment with two stage pain classification preceded by a cry detection system, and concluded that this scenario combined with geometrical and textural …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Khotimah, Wijayanti Nurul; Susanto, Yohanes Aditya; Suciati, Nanik
In: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 95 , pp. 292, 2017.
title = {Combining Decision Tree and Back Propagation Genetic Algorithm Neural Network for Recognizing Word Gestures in Indonesian Sign Language using Kinect},
author = {Wijayanti Nurul Khotimah and Yohanes Aditya Susanto and Nanik Suciati},
url = {},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
urldate = {2017-01-01},
journal = {Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology},
volume = {95},
pages = {292},
abstract = {Sign language is a media for speech and/or hearing problem’s people to communicate. Different kind of sign languages exist in the world such as Indonesian Sign Language (ISL), American Sign Language (ASL), Chinese Sign Language (CSL), British Sign Language (BSL), Brazilian Sign Language (BSL), and France Sign Language (FSL). In Indonesia, the used of ISL was less extensive because not all people understand it. People that do not have understanding on ISL cannot translate it. Therefore an ISL translation system is required. Many researches about sign language translation system had been done for FSL, BSL, FSL, and CSL. However, research on ISL is still limited and still need development. Therefore we proposed a new system for recognizing ISL word gestures. In this research we captured user skeleton by using Kinect. From those skeletons only nine skeletons were used as feature by computing their vector value, angle value, and distance value. Totally 28 features were extracted. Then the combination of Decision Tree and Back Propagation Neural Network (BPGANN) was implemented for classifier. For experiment, eight ISL vocabularies were tested by two people. The recognition accuracy of this system, although evaluated with small vocabulary, presents very promising result with value 96%.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Khotimah, Wijayanti Nurul; Sholikah, Rizka Wakhidatus; Hariadi, Ridho Rahman
Sitting to standing and walking therapy for post-stroke patients using virtual reality system Journal Article
In: 2015 International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and Systems (ICTS), pp. 145-150, 2015.
title = {Sitting to standing and walking therapy for post-stroke patients using virtual reality system},
author = {Wijayanti Nurul Khotimah and Rizka Wakhidatus Sholikah and Ridho Rahman Hariadi},
url = {},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-09-16},
journal = {2015 International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and Systems (ICTS)},
pages = {145-150},
abstract = {Generally, post-stroke patients suffer physical disorder or paralysis in various level. Common treatment to restore the functionality of the paralyzed limb is by doing motoric therapy. This therapy was done in hospital and was monitored by therapists. However, most of the post-stroke patients choose not to do therapy since their access to hospital is difficult or their motivation to do therapy is low. To overcome the limitations of traditional therapy methods some interactive game-based therapy systems were introduced i.e: AR-therapy and Wii-based movement therapy. Unfortunately, their performance is low due to user ergonomic factor problem. In this study, we proposed a virtual reality system for sitting to standing and walking therapy for post-stroke patients called KOMY. This application is integrated with Kinect technology. Four VR game-based training tasks were adopted from sitting to standing therapy and walking …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Sumpeno, Surya; Hariadi, Mochamad; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
Facial Emotional Expressions of Life-like Character Based on Text Classifier and Fuzzy Logic Journal Article
In: Scientific Article of IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 38: 2, IJCS_38_2_04, 2 , pp. 122-133, 2011.
title = {Facial Emotional Expressions of Life-like Character Based on Text Classifier and Fuzzy Logic},
author = {Surya Sumpeno and Mochamad Hariadi and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2011},
date = {2011-05-25},
journal = {Scientific Article of IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 38: 2, IJCS_38_2_04},
volume = {2},
pages = {122-133},
abstract = {A system consists of a text classifier and Fuzzy Inference System FIS to build a life-like virtual character capable of expressing emotion from a text input is proposed. The system classifies emotional content of sentences from text input and expresses corresponding emotion by a facial expression. Text input is classified using the text classifier while facial expression of the life-like character are controlled by FIS utilizing results from the text classifier. A number of text classifier methods are employed and their performances are evaluated using Leave-One-Out Cross Validation. In real world application such as animation movie the lifelike virtual character of proposed system needs to be animated. As a demonstration examples of facial expressions with corresponding text input as results from the implementation of our system are shown. The system is able to show facial expressions with admixture blending emotions. This paper also describes animation characteristics of the system using neutral expression as center of facial expression transition from one emotion to another. Emotion transition can be viewed as gradual decrease or increase of emotion intensity from one emotion toward other emotion. Experimental results show that animation of lifelike character expressing emotion transition can be generated automatically using proposed system.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery; Tada, Akira; Shimizu, Eiji
Beam Landing Adjustment for Color Purity of Integrated Tube Component using Artificial Neural Network Journal Article
In: Computers & Industrial Engineering, 1 , pp. 153-157, 1995.
title = {Beam Landing Adjustment for Color Purity of Integrated Tube Component using Artificial Neural Network},
author = {Mauridhi Hery Purnomo and Akira Tada and Eiji Shimizu},
year = {1995},
date = {1995-01-01},
journal = {Computers & Industrial Engineering},
volume = {1},
pages = {153-157},
abstract = {High speed process that producing high quality picture in adjusting color CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) is desired in industrial process of CRT monitor or television.The process of adjusting for improving the quality of picture on color CRT performed by adjust the components of ITC (Integrated Tube Component). Beam landing adjustment performing is to localized center of deflection of three electron beam precisely hitting phosphor points. As part of industrial process, its done automatically. To achieve the purpose as desired, we attempt to use supervised learning neural network algorithm for adjustment process.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Pratiwi, Intan Gumilang; Hamidiyanti, Baiq Yuni Fitri; Arifin, Achmad; Husin, Farid; Pandudita, Rai; Ristrini, Ristrini; Bachtiar, Adang; Putro, Gurendro; Dramawan, Awan; Diarti, Maruni Wiwin
Virtual Reality Improves The Knowledge of Midwives in IUD (Intra Uterine Device) Training Journal Article
In: Jurnal Kesehatan Prima, 15 , pp. 74-82, 2021.
title = {Virtual Reality Improves The Knowledge of Midwives in IUD (Intra Uterine Device) Training},
author = {Intan Gumilang Pratiwi and Baiq Yuni Fitri Hamidiyanti and Achmad Arifin and Farid Husin and Rai Pandudita and Ristrini Ristrini and Adang Bachtiar and Gurendro Putro and Awan Dramawan and Maruni Wiwin Diarti},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-02-28},
journal = {Jurnal Kesehatan Prima},
volume = {15},
pages = {74-82},
abstract = {IUD family planning users continue to decline from the 2012 IDHS as much as 4.9%, in 2017 IDHS data of 3.9%. The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in NTB Province was 2.8 children higher than the national target of 2.36 children. This study aims to analyze the application of virtual reality technology to increase midwives' knowledge in installing IUD. The design of this research design is a quasi-experiment with a pre-post non-equivalent control group design. This research design uses two groups: the case group (the group that is given treatment or intervention using virtual reality) and the control group (the group that is not given treatment or not using virtual reality). The number of samples in this study was 30 respondents for each group (treatment and control). The results of this study that the average knowledge after the intervention group training has a higher average than the average in the control group with a p-value (0.000)< α (0.05).},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Wiarta, Steven Seaver; Arifin, Achmad; Baki, Siti Halimah; Arrofiqi, Fauzan; Fatoni, Muhammad Hilman; Watanabe, Takashi
Design of Post-stroke Upper Limb Rehabilitation Game using Functional Electrical Stimulation for Hemiplegic Patient Journal Article
In: 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 6-11, 2020.
title = {Design of Post-stroke Upper Limb Rehabilitation Game using Functional Electrical Stimulation for Hemiplegic Patient},
author = {Steven Seaver Wiarta and Achmad Arifin and Siti Halimah Baki and Fauzan Arrofiqi and Muhammad Hilman Fatoni and Takashi Watanabe},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-17},
journal = {2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {6-11},
abstract = {Stroke is a cerebrovascular disease which could lead to physiological impairment, which affects one's ability to do activities of daily living. Several previous studies state that only small number of patients regain useful motoric abilities. This is due the fact of which patients' psychological needs are often neglected in a conventional rehabilitation. Hence, the development of rehabilitation methods which ease patient's psychological burden is necessary. The system used functional electrical stimulation with PID control, combined with repetitive game scenario. Seven normal subjects participated in this study. Average impaired hand movement error was 5.66° from target and range-of motion of 87.86% maximum flexion. Game object control accuracy reached 100%. Moreover, subjects showed improved accuracy by 37.18% at the end of the rehabilitation sessions. Impaired hand trajectory also follows control hand …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Pandiangan, Rizky Mayardiyah Syafitri; Arifin, Achmad; Risciawan, Andra; Baki, Siti Halimah; Dikairono, Rudy
Design of Fuzzy Logic Control in Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Cycling Exercise for Stroke Patients Journal Article
In: 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 23-28, 2020.
title = {Design of Fuzzy Logic Control in Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Cycling Exercise for Stroke Patients},
author = {Rizky Mayardiyah Syafitri Pandiangan and Achmad Arifin and Andra Risciawan and Siti Halimah Baki and Rudy Dikairono},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-17},
journal = {2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {23-28},
abstract = {Weakness in muscle due its inability to conduct activities are often happened in stroke patients. Physiotherapy can be used to prevent this weakness, one of them is utilizing Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES). In this paper, fuzzy logic is designed to control the pulse width of FES to assist muscle in producing cycling movement as form of exercise for stroke patients. Monitoring of heart rate and oxygen saturation during exercise were also added. The designed system could produce crank speed output closed to desired output of 20 rpm with error of -0.739 rpm and pulse width output closed to desired output of with error of . The desired values were selected based on subject’s crank ability and FES characteristics. Monitoring of heart rate and oxygen saturation shows insignificant result compared to relax state indicating that the workload from exercise is acceptable. Error reduction of controller and …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Isyrofie, Achmad Ilham Fanany Al; Arifin, Achmad; Arrofiqi, Fauzan
Robotic Glove Menggunakan Hybrid Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) dan Exoskeleton untuk Rehabilitasi Tangan Manusia Journal Article
In: Jurnal Teknik ITS, 9 , pp. F24-F28, 2020.
title = {Robotic Glove Menggunakan Hybrid Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) dan Exoskeleton untuk Rehabilitasi Tangan Manusia},
author = {Achmad Ilham Fanany Al Isyrofie and Achmad Arifin and Fauzan Arrofiqi},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-07-28},
journal = {Jurnal Teknik ITS},
volume = {9},
pages = {F24-F28},
abstract = {Disabilitas yang terjadi pada tangan manusia menunjukkan masalah yang serius bagi beberapa orang. Salah satu penyebab terjadinya disabilitas pada fungsi sistem gerak manusia ialah terjadinya kerusakan pada sistem saraf pusat, atau Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Penyakit stroke termasuk salah satu jenis SCI yang menyebabkan penderitanya mengalami penurunan pada sistem sensori dan motorik pada tubuh. Pada penelitian ini, akan dikembangkan suatu alat yang merupakan gabungan dari exoskeleton dan Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES). Exoskeleton adalah kerangka alat untuk dapat melatih gerakan menggenggam dan memperkuat daya genggam dengan bantuan external power. FES merupakan sebuah teknik yang memanfaatkan arus elektrik untuk mengaktifkan bagian saraf yang mengalami gangguan atau disfungsi karena berbagai gangguan neurologis. Sisi kebaruan dari metode rehabilitasi ini terletak pada optimasi penggunaan exoskeleton untuk mengurangi kelelahan otot akibat stimulasi yang berlebihan dari FES. Exoskeleton dengan panjang 77.2 mm dapat menghasilkan gerakan mekanik yang mendorong terjadinya gerakan fleksi dan ekstensi. Electrical stimulator menghasilkan output berupa gelombang kotak dengan karakteristik lebar pulsa 200 µS, frekuensi 20 Hz, dan range amplitudo sebesar 0.2 V hingga 130 V. Output hasil stimulus tersebut disalurkan menuju otot Flexor Digitorum, sehingga dapat menghasilkan gerakan fleksi dan ekstensi pada jari-jari tangan. Metode hybrid FES dan exoskeleton dengan amplitudo stimulasi yang berubah-ubah dan kecepatan motor sebesar 1.36 rpm dapat mencapai …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Rahmadiva, Milla; Arifin, Achmad; Fatoni, Muhammad Hilman; Baki, Siti Halimah
Rancang Bangun Hand Tracking Glove sebagai Antarmuka untuk Game Rehabilitasi Journal Article
In: Jurnal Teknik ITS, 9 , pp. A36-A41, 2020.
title = {Rancang Bangun Hand Tracking Glove sebagai Antarmuka untuk Game Rehabilitasi},
author = {Milla Rahmadiva and Achmad Arifin and Muhammad Hilman Fatoni and Siti Halimah Baki},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-07-15},
journal = {Jurnal Teknik ITS},
volume = {9},
pages = {A36-A41},
abstract = {Stroke merupakan suatu kondisi yang terjadi ketika suplai darah menuju otak tersumbat. Penyakit ini merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian. Sebanyak 30% hingga 66% pasien stroke mengalami kelumpuhan pada lengan yang menyebabkan mereka kesulitan melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari [1]. Salah satu dampak dari kelumpuhan pada lengan adalah kelainan sistem gerak pada jari. Pada penelitian ini diusulkan sebuah glove yang tidak hanya mampu menggantikan goniometer jari untuk mengukur range of motion, tetapi juga bisa menjadi alat rehabilitasi pasien pasca stroke melalui serious game yang mampu memotivasi agar range of motion jari pasien bertambah. Perancangan glove dilakukan dengan menyusun sensor secara array pada tiap jari sehingga bisa mengukur sudut sendi secara bersamaan. Pengujian glove terdiri dari pengujian hardware dan software. Hasil menunjukkan error yang kecil antara pembacaan glove dengan pembacaan goniometer jari sebagai alat yang sudah umum digunakan untuk mengukur Range of motion (ROM) jari. Mean squared error yang dihasilkan dari pengukuran dengan glove adalah 0.68.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nugroho, Supeno Mardi Susiki; Fauzan, Muhammad; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy
Self-Physical Rehabilitation System based on Hand Motion Sensor Journal Article
In: 2019 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 1-6, 2019.
title = {Self-Physical Rehabilitation System based on Hand Motion Sensor},
author = {Supeno Mardi Susiki Nugroho and Muhammad Fauzan and I Ketut Eddy Purnama},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-11-19},
journal = {2019 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {1-6},
abstract = {Stroke is one of the diseases that cause high number of disability and mortality in Indonesia. The number of deaths from stroke in Indonesia reached 15.4% in almost all hospitals in Indonesia. One of the steps to help stroke patients to improve their motor function, speech, cognition, and other impaired functions is to conduct a series of post-stroke rehabilitation. Post-stroke rehabilitation can be done with direct supervision of the physiotherapist or performed alone at home or commonly called self-rehabilitation. Post-stroke rehabilitation has a variety of movements training, one of which is the movement of a finger. MedCap emerged as one of the tools that can help physiotherapists and patients to rehabilitate post-stroke fingers movement. MedCap which uses Leap Motion hand motion sensor can record a predetermined reference movement with a success rate of 62.35%. MedCap can also calculate the conformity of …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Juniastuti, Susi; Ghifari, Husni Mubarok Al; Nugroho, Supeno Mardi Susiki; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy
Development of casual game on android devices for children with diabetes type 1 treatment Journal Article
In: 2019 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 1-4, 2019.
title = {Development of casual game on android devices for children with diabetes type 1 treatment},
author = {Susi Juniastuti and Husni Mubarok Al Ghifari and Supeno Mardi Susiki Nugroho and I Ketut Eddy Purnama},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-11-19},
journal = {2019 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {1-4},
abstract = {Type 1 diabetes is an incurable disease that requires uninterrupted treatment. However, if the patient does not understand the process of treating type 1 diabetes mostly children, then the treatment process will need longer time related to how to explain about the disease. The development of this Android-based game is expected to be used easily in helping the process of treating type 1 diabetes in children, which will provide education about type 1 diabetes. The interim test results show that the game was fun with 4 out of 5 respondents agree and 1 other respond neutral. Also 4 out of 5 respondennts agree that the game can be regarded as educational tool and 1 respondent disagree.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Sensusiati, Anggraini Dwi; Pramulen, Aji Sapta; Rumala, Dewinda Julianensi; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy; Rosyid, Alfian Nur; Amin, Muhammad; Lathifah, Rofida
A New Approach to Detect COVID-19 in X-Ray Images of Indonesians Journal Article
In: Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, 48 (6), 2021.
title = {A New Approach to Detect COVID-19 in X-Ray Images of Indonesians},
author = {Anggraini Dwi Sensusiati and Aji Sapta Pramulen and Dewinda Julianensi Rumala and I Ketut Eddy Purnama and Alfian Nur Rosyid and Muhammad Amin and Rofida Lathifah},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-07-01},
journal = {Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences},
volume = {48},
number = {6},
abstract = {The coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19 is a current global pandemic. This disease has a high prevalence in Indonesia, with 307,120 positive cases and 11,253 deaths on October 6, 2020. COVID-19 can be detected in various manners, one of which is through chest X-Ray. This present research applies an approach to COVID-19 detection through X-Ray that features preprocessing, augmentation, ELU activation function application, and optimizer use. The results show that the best performance is generated by applying the ReLU activation function at epoch 76 with a testing accuracy of 96.44%, the sensitivity of 97.4%, specificity of 95.95%, and DICE of 95.77%.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Adam, Safri; Arifin, Agus Zainal
Inisialisasi Otomatis Metode Level Set untuk Segmentasi Objek Overlapping pada Citra Panorama Gigi Journal Article
In: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer, 8 (3), pp. 429-438, 2021.
title = {Inisialisasi Otomatis Metode Level Set untuk Segmentasi Objek Overlapping pada Citra Panorama Gigi},
author = {Safri Adam and Agus Zainal Arifin},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-06-15},
journal = {Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer},
volume = {8},
number = {3},
pages = {429-438},
abstract = {Penelitian tentang segmentasi gigi individu telah banyak dilakukan dan memperoleh hasil yang baik. Namun, ketika dihadapkan kepada gigi overlap maka hal ini menjadi sebuah tantangan. Untuk memisahkan dua gigi overlap, maka perlu mengekstrak objek overlap terlebih dahulu. Metode level set banyak digunakan untuk melakukan segmentasi objek overlap, namun memiliki kelemahan yaitu perlu didefinisikan inisial awal metode level set secara manual oleh pengguna. Dalam penelitian ini diusulkan strategi inisialisasi otomatis pada metode level set untuk melakukan segmentasi gigi overlap menggunakan Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) pada citra panorama gigi. Tahapan strategi yang diusulkan terdiri dari preprocessing dimana di dalamnya ada proses perbaikan, rotasi dan cropping citra, dilanjutkan proses inisialisasi otomatis menggunakan algoritma HCA, dan yang terakhir segmentasi …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Santoso, Irwan Budi; Adrianto, Yudhi; Sensusiati, Anggraini Dwi; Wulandari, Diah Puspito; Purnama, I
Epileptic EEG signal classification using convolutional neural network based on multi-segment of EEG signal Journal Article
In: International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, 14 (3), pp. 160-176, 2021.
title = {Epileptic EEG signal classification using convolutional neural network based on multi-segment of EEG signal},
author = {Irwan Budi Santoso and Yudhi Adrianto and Anggraini Dwi Sensusiati and Diah Puspito Wulandari and I Purnama},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-04-30},
journal = {International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems},
volume = {14},
number = {3},
pages = {160-176},
abstract = {High performance in the epileptic electroencephalogram (EEG) signal classification is an important step in diagnosing epilepsy. Furthermore, this classification is carried out to determine whether the EEG signal from a person's examination results is categorized as an epileptic signal or not (healthy). Several automated techniques have been proposed to assist neurologists in classifying these signals. In general, these techniques have yielded a high average accuracy in classification, but the performance still needs to be improved. Therefore, we propose a convolutional neural network based on multi-segment of EEG signals to classify epileptic EEG signals. This method is built to overcome data limitations in the convolutional neural network training process and add the ensemble combination process. The multi-segment of EEG signal is formed by splitting the signal without overlapping each channel and converting it into the spectrogram image based on the short-time Fourier transform value. The spectrogram image is then used as input for the convolutional neural network in in-depth training and testing. The convolutional neural network model of the training results is used to classify each EEG signal segment on each test channel before entering the ensemble combination stage for the final classification. To evaluate the performance of our proposed method, we used the Bonn EEG dataset. The dataset consists of five EEG records labelled as A, B, C, D, and E. The experiments on several datasets (AB-C, AB-D, AB-E, AB-CD, AB-CDE, and AB-CD-E) which were arranged from the dataset showed that our proposed method (with segment …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Widiasri, Monica; Arifin, Agus Zainal; Suciati, Nanik; Astuti, Eha Renwi; Indraswari, Rarasmaya
Alveolar Bone Detection from Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography using YOLOv3-tiny Journal Article
In: 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics Systems (AIMS), pp. 1-6, 2021.
title = {Alveolar Bone Detection from Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography using YOLOv3-tiny},
author = {Monica Widiasri and Agus Zainal Arifin and Nanik Suciati and Eha Renwi Astuti and Rarasmaya Indraswari},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-04-28},
journal = {2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics Systems (AIMS)},
pages = {1-6},
abstract = {Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is a medical imaging technique widely used in dentistry including dental implant planning. To determine the size of the dental implant, it is necessary to detect the alveolar bone at the implant site. In this study, we propose automatic detection of alveolar bone from CBCT images of teeth using the YOLOv3-tiny method. The YOLOv3-tiny network architecture consists of a seven-layer convolution networks and six max-pooling layers in the Darknet-53 network with two output branch scale predictions. CBCT images of teeth obtained from 4 patients consisted of 800 coronal slices of 2D grayscale images, containing 830 alveolar bone annotations. Before the training process, the ground truth image annotation was made in the form of a bounding box on the alveolar bone object. The detection results of the YOLOv3-tiny model were compared with the detection results of the …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Fajar, Aziz; Santoso, Dwi Wahyu; Bahen, Zico Ritonda; Sarno, Riyanarto; Fatichah, Chastine
Color Mapping for Volume Rendering Using Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Images Journal Article
In: 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics Systems (AIMS), pp. 1-5, 2021.
title = {Color Mapping for Volume Rendering Using Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Images},
author = {Aziz Fajar and Dwi Wahyu Santoso and Zico Ritonda Bahen and Riyanarto Sarno and Chastine Fatichah},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-04-28},
journal = {2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics Systems (AIMS)},
pages = {1-5},
abstract = {This paper introduces an automatic colorization of 3D volumetric medical image based on brain Computed Tomography (CT) scan images. This volumetric 3D images are generated from Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) images. This research renders the DICOM images to volumetric images using ray marching method. Then automatically colorized each brain parts by computing the transfer function based on the value of grayscale to compared to tissue density. Our proposed method focused on the value which color each parts of the brain as well as the use of ray marching algorithm to show colorized result in 3D.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Arifiani, Siska; Yuhana, Umi Laili; Hariadi, Ridho Rahman; Andrianto, Faturochman Pranacahya
The Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Geometry Validation for Psychomotor Aspect Assessment Journal Article
In: International Conference on Educational Assessment and Policy (ICEAP 2020), pp. 200-204, 2021.
title = {The Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Geometry Validation for Psychomotor Aspect Assessment},
author = {Siska Arifiani and Umi Laili Yuhana and Ridho Rahman Hariadi and Faturochman Pranacahya Andrianto},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-04-26},
journal = {International Conference on Educational Assessment and Policy (ICEAP 2020)},
pages = {200-204},
abstract = {Nowadays, many various of geometry validation tools produced to validate the shapes drawn automatically. The tools are useful to create geometry shape, for example: vertices, edges, and faces. This paper proposed a technique in geometry validation using an artificial intelligence (AI). The proposed method is to develop a 3D virtual environment for VR application. To support these circumstances, we use Oculust Rift and leap motion control. First, user will create random shapes in a system and the system do the validation. Second, after the validation, the system will show a correct information if the shape is correct. However, the system will show an incorrect information, if the shape is incorrect. Each point of shape that drawn will be marked and will be checked by the system. Last, Leap Motion Controller will match the hand gesture and the shape result. A virtual world will be show in Oculus Rift. This is necessary for the user in order to create a real feeling in the virtual world and do the interaction using leap motion control. This research aims also to do an evaluation of psychomotor aspect for the user. Several students in elementary school already tested and have a high interest, since the application is very useful and interactive.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Susanto, Evan Kusuma; Hizham, Fadhel Akhmad; Sarno, Riyanarto; Fajar, Aziz
Unsupervised Corpus Callosum Extraction for T2-FLAIR MRI Images Journal Article
In: 2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), pp. 116-121, 2021.
title = {Unsupervised Corpus Callosum Extraction for T2-FLAIR MRI Images},
author = {Evan Kusuma Susanto and Fadhel Akhmad Hizham and Riyanarto Sarno and Aziz Fajar},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-04-09},
journal = {2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT)},
pages = {116-121},
abstract = {Many algorithms and methods have been published regarding Corpus Callosum extraction from MRI images. However, all of these approaches use T1-weighted images or existing human brain atlas as their basis. We propose a new algorithm that can work with T2-FLAIR image. The basis of our method is from the observation that corpus callosum is located directly above a cavity inside the brain in almost every MRI images. We highlight the corpus callosum by first extracting the cavity inside the brain and then performing a morphological dilation upwards to get the rough location of the corpus callosum. Our evaluation shows that this method achieves an average of 76.90% in DSC when used to extract corpus callosum from 30 different images and 3 different subjects.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Sabilla, Irzal Ahmad; Irawan, Rifki Aulia; Sarno, Riyanarto; Fauzi, Asra Al; Wijaya, Dedy Rahman; Gunawan, Rudy
Classification of Male and Female Sweat Odor in the Morning Using Electronic Nose Journal Article
In: 2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), (320-324), 2021.
title = {Classification of Male and Female Sweat Odor in the Morning Using Electronic Nose},
author = {Irzal Ahmad Sabilla and Rifki Aulia Irawan and Riyanarto Sarno and Asra Al Fauzi and Dedy Rahman Wijaya and Rudy Gunawan},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-04-09},
journal = {2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT)},
number = {320-324},
abstract = {Biologically, there are two genders that are declared, which is male and female. Both genders have the same hormones but at different levels. The difference in the level of hormones causes both genders can be distinguished from several aspects, and one of them is from their sweat. In this study, we are using Electronic Nose (E-Nose) device for classify the gender between male and female based on their sweat odor and the time that is taken to get the sample is in the morning. E-Nose is a device that can identify various kinds of scents. The results obtained from this tool are signal waves that can be identified, compared, and processed. E-Nose has also been used in various fields. one of them is in the health sector. In this research the E-Nose consists of several sensors TGS, 822, 2612, 2620, 823, 826, 2603, 2600, 813, and SHT-15 connected to an Arduino. The data obtained were sampled and splitting 80 …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nugroho, Adi Setyo; Fajar, Aziz; Sarno, Riyanarto; Fatichah, Chastine; Fahmi, Achmad; Utomo, Sri Andreani; Notopuro, Francisca
Unsupervised Method for 3D Brain Magnetic Resonance Image Segmentation Journal Article
In: 2021 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob), pp. 90-94, 2021.
title = {Unsupervised Method for 3D Brain Magnetic Resonance Image Segmentation},
author = {Adi Setyo Nugroho and Aziz Fajar and Riyanarto Sarno and Chastine Fatichah and Achmad Fahmi and Sri Andreani Utomo and Francisca Notopuro},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-04-08},
journal = {2021 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob)},
pages = {90-94},
abstract = {Research at Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) is very useful research in the field of health. In brain images, the problem encountered is when you want to divide or segment each part of the brain. In previous studies, some of research are still segmenting from 2-dimensional images, where the results will be different for each image slice. Therefore, in this research, we conducted the Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) segmentation of the brain from the 3-dimensional plane to prevent the information contained in the images from being lost. In the early stages, MRI images will be converted to NifTi format to obtain 3-dimensional volume. The pre-processing is added as a modification from previous research, such as, convert image to grayscale, bias field correction, and skull stripping method to remove the skull (non-brain tissue) so that only brain tissue remains from the human brain. The …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Sabilla, Irzal Ahmad; Cahyaningtyas, Zakiya Azizah; Sarno, Riyanarto; Fauzi, Asra Al; Wijaya, Dedy Rahman; Gunawan, Rudy
Classification of Human Gender from Sweat Odor using Electronic Nose with Machine Learning Methods Journal Article
In: 2021 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob), pp. 109-115, 2021.
title = {Classification of Human Gender from Sweat Odor using Electronic Nose with Machine Learning Methods},
author = {Irzal Ahmad Sabilla and Zakiya Azizah Cahyaningtyas and Riyanarto Sarno and Asra Al Fauzi and Dedy Rahman Wijaya and Rudy Gunawan},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-04-08},
journal = {2021 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob)},
pages = {109-115},
abstract = {Both human biological genders have the same hormone but at different levels. The difference in hormone levels makes the two genders distinguishable from several aspects. One of the things that are influenced by hormones is sweat. The odor of sweat is related to the apocrine glands found in human armpits. This experiment studied the classification of both genders based on daytime sweat in adult human armpits. The sampling method used an electronic nose (E-nose) system to collect the armpit sweat odor. The E-nose system sensor array consisted of seven sensors: TGS 822, TGS 2612, TGS 2620, TGS 826, TGS 2603, TGS 2600, and TGS 813. These sensors generate resistance ratio (Rs/Ro) values which are learned by the machine learning methods for classification and disease potential based on the volatile organic compound (VOC) in sweat. The study shows the male samples have higher amine gas …},
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pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Supriyanto, Muhammad Ibadurrahman Arrasyid; Fajar, Aziz; Sarno, Riyanarto; Fatichah, Chastine; Fahmi, Achmad; Utomo, Sri Andreani; Notopuro, Francisca
Slice Reconstruction on 3D Medical Image using Optical Flow Approach Journal Article
In: 2021 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob), pp. 242-246, 2021.
title = {Slice Reconstruction on 3D Medical Image using Optical Flow Approach},
author = {Muhammad Ibadurrahman Arrasyid Supriyanto and Aziz Fajar and Riyanarto Sarno and Chastine Fatichah and Achmad Fahmi and Sri Andreani Utomo and Francisca Notopuro},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-04-08},
journal = {2021 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob)},
pages = {242-246},
abstract = {High-resolution, high-quality imagery forms the basis of accurate 3D reconstructions. 3D reconstruction is obtained from a 3-dimensional stacking array or image sequence. In some cases the resulting slice image has a low resolution so that some parts miss information when reconstructed into 3D. The reconstruction of the new slice carried out by the researcher using the 3D interpolation technique has a disadvantage, namely that when the calculation is carried out using the structure similarity evaluation metrics, it is still unsatisfactory, therefore the following research will try to reconstruct a new slice using the optical flow approach to calculate the displacement vector field between the two adjacent slices and also we will evaluate the comparative suitability of various interpolation techniques using root mean square error (RMSE), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity index (SSIM). experimental …},
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pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Astuti, Baiq Siska Febriani; Purnami, Santi Wulan; Atok, R Mohamad; Islamiyah, Wardah Rahmatul; Wulandari, Diah Puspito; Juniani, Anda Iviana
Classify Epileptic EEG Signals Using Extreme Support Vector Machine for Ictal and Muscle Artifact Detection Journal Article
In: International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, 11 , 2021.
title = {Classify Epileptic EEG Signals Using Extreme Support Vector Machine for Ictal and Muscle Artifact Detection},
author = {Baiq Siska Febriani Astuti and Santi Wulan Purnami and R Mohamad Atok and Wardah Rahmatul Islamiyah and Diah Puspito Wulandari and Anda Iviana Juniani},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-03-01},
journal = {International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing},
volume = {11},
abstract = {EEG signals aids in diagnosing various wave signals recorded by the activities of the brain. It also produces unavoidable artifacts, in the recording process. The purpose of this study therefore is to detect ictal and artefact signals, with the aim of reducing interpretation errors especially those related to the muscle which are quite difficult to distinguish. The data used are EEG signal recording results obtained from Rumah Sakit Universitas Airlangga. It consisted of two classes, namely ictal and muscle artefact. The signal decomposition method used is a wavelet transform, known as DWT. While the extraction feature utilized, consist of quartile, maximum, minimum, mean and standard deviation. This study also utilized the SVM with linear, polynomial, RBF and ELM (ESVM) kernels. Research results shows that the ESVM classification time is faster than the SVM and other kernels. However, the values of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and AUC are not better.},
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pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Hasanah, Novrindah Alvi; Suciati, Nanik; Purwitasari, Diana
Pemantauan Perhatian Publik terhadap Pandemi COVID-19 melalui Klasifikasi Teks dengan Deep Learning Journal Article
In: Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi), 5 (1), pp. 193-202, 2021.
title = {Pemantauan Perhatian Publik terhadap Pandemi COVID-19 melalui Klasifikasi Teks dengan Deep Learning},
author = {Novrindah Alvi Hasanah and Nanik Suciati and Diana Purwitasari},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-02-28},
journal = {Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi)},
volume = {5},
number = {1},
pages = {193-202},
abstract = {Monitoring public concern in the surrounding environment to certain events is done to address changes in public behavior individually and socially. The results of monitoring public attention can be used as a benchmark for related parties in making the right policies and strategies to deal with changes in public behavior as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Monitoring public attention can be done using Twitter social media data because the users of the media are quite high, so that they can represent the aspirations of the general public. However, Twitter data contains varied topics, so a classification process is required to obtain data related to COVID-19. Classification is done by using word embedding variations (Word2Vec and fastText) and deep learning variations (CNN, RNN, and LSTM) to get the classification results with the best accuracy. The percentage of COVID-19 data based on the best accuracy is calculated to determine how high the public's attention is to the COVID-19 pandemic. Experiments were carried out with three scenarios, which were differentiated by the number of data trains. The classification results with the best accuracy are obtained by the combination of fasText and LSTM which shows the highest accuracy of 97.86% and the lowest of 93.63%. The results of monitoring public attention to the time vulnerability between June and October show that the highest public attention to COVID-19 is in June.},
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pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Hermawati, Fajar Astuti; Tjandrasa, Handayani; Suciati, Nanik
Phase-based thresholding schemes for segmentation of fetal thigh cross-sectional region in ultrasound images Journal Article
In: Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2021.
title = {Phase-based thresholding schemes for segmentation of fetal thigh cross-sectional region in ultrasound images},
author = {Fajar Astuti Hermawati and Handayani Tjandrasa and Nanik Suciati},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-02-17},
journal = {Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences},
abstract = {Measurement of thigh circumference has been used as an indication of nutritional adequacy and fetal growth in the womb. Fractional thigh volume is one of the variables for estimating fetal weight that is also calculated using the fetal thigh circumference. This cross-section of the fetal thigh is an intricate part of detecting because it has a less clear boundary and sometimes attached to other tissue in the ultrasound image. This study aims to establish a detection scheme and segmentation of the fetal thigh cross-sectional area automatically on ultrasound images. We propose a segmentation framework that integrates two phase-based thresholding schemes and a gap connecting step. In the first scheme, we combine the phase congruency of the local phase features and the fuzzy entropy method. The second thresholding scheme is a combination of the phase symmetry method and the saliency visual attention model …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Hasanah, Novrindah Alvi; Suciati, Nanik; Purwitasari, Diana
Identifying Degree-of-Concern on COVID-19 topics with text classification of Twitters Journal Article
In: Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi, 7 (1), pp. 50-62, 2021.
title = {Identifying Degree-of-Concern on COVID-19 topics with text classification of Twitters},
author = {Novrindah Alvi Hasanah and Nanik Suciati and Diana Purwitasari},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-02-16},
journal = {Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi},
volume = {7},
number = {1},
pages = {50-62},
abstract = {The COVID-19 pandemic has various impacts on changing people’s behavior socially and individually. This study identifies the Degree-of-Concern topic of COVID-19 through citizen conversations on Twitter. It aims to help related parties make policies for developing appropriate emergency response strategies in dealing with changes in people’s behavior due to the pandemic. The object of research is 12,000 data from verified Twitter accounts in Surabaya. The varied nature of Twitter needs to be classified to address specific COVID-19 topics. The first stage of classification is to separate Twitter data into COVID-19 and non-COVID-19. The second stage is to classify the COVID-19 data into seven classes: warnings and suggestions, notification of information, donations, emotional support, seeking help, criticism, and hoaxes. Classification is carried out using a combination of word embedding (Word2Vec and fastText) and deep learning methods (CNN, RNN, and LSTM). The trial was carried out with three scenarios with different numbers of train data for each scenario. The classification results show the highest accuracy is 97.3% and 99.4% for the first and second stage classification obtained from the combination of fastText and LSTM. The results show that the classification of the COVID-19 topic can be used to identify Degree-of-Concern properly. The results of the Degree-of-Concern identification based on the classification can be used as a basis for related parties in making policies to formulate appropriate emergency response strategies in dealing with changes in public behavior due to a pandemic.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Damayanti, Putri; Purwitasari, Diana; Suciati, Nanik
Eliminasi Non-Topic Menggunakan Pemodelan Topik untuk Peringkasan Otomatis Data Tweet dengan Konteks Covid-19 Journal Article
In: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer, 8 (1), pp. 199-208, 2021.
title = {Eliminasi Non-Topic Menggunakan Pemodelan Topik untuk Peringkasan Otomatis Data Tweet dengan Konteks Covid-19},
author = {Putri Damayanti and Diana Purwitasari and Nanik Suciati},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-02-04},
urldate = {2021-02-04},
journal = {Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer},
volume = {8},
number = {1},
pages = {199-208},
abstract = {Akun twitter, seperti Suara Surabaya, dapat membantu menyebarkan informasi tentang COVID-19 meskipun ada bahasan lainnya seperti kecelakaan, kemacetan atau topik lain. Peringkasan teks dapat diimplementasikan pada kasus pembacaan data twitter karena banyaknya jumlah tweet yang tersedia, sehingga akan mempermudah dalam memperoleh informasi penting terkini terkait COVID-19. Jumlah variasi bahasan pada teks tweet mengakibatkan hasil ringkasan yang kurang baik. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan adanya eliminasi tweet yang tidak berkaitan dengan konteks sebelum dilakukan peringkasan. Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah adanya metode pemodelan topik sebagai bagian tahapan dalam serangkaian proses eliminasi data. Metode pemodelan topik sebagai salah satu teknik eliminasi data dapat digunakan dalam berbagai kasus namun pada penelitian ini difokuskan pada COVID-19. Tujuannya adalah untuk mempermudah masyarakat memperoleh informasi terkini secara ringkas. Tahapan yang dilakukan adalah pra-pemrosesan, eliminasi data menggunakan pemodelan topik dan peringkasan otomatis. Penelitian ini menggunakan kombinasi beberapa metode word embedding, pemodelan topik dan peringkasan otomatis sebagai pembanding. Ringkasan diuji menggunakan metode ROUGE dari setiap kombinasi untuk ditemukan kombinasi terbaik dari penelitian ini. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan kombinasi metode Word2Vec, LSI dan TextRank memiliki nilai ROUGE terbaik yaitu 0.67. Sedangkan kombinasi metode TFIDF, LDA dan Okapi BM25 memiliki nilai ROUGE terendah yaitu 0.35.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Cheng, Wen-Huang; Song, Sijie; Chen, Chieh-Yun; Hidayati, Shintami Chusnul; Liu, Jiaying
Fashion Meets Computer Vision: A Survey Journal Article
In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.13988, 2021.
title = {Fashion Meets Computer Vision: A Survey},
author = {Wen-Huang Cheng and Sijie Song and Chieh-Yun Chen and Shintami Chusnul Hidayati and Jiaying Liu},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-01-28},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.13988},
abstract = {Fashion is the way we present ourselves to the world and has become one of the world's largest industries. Fashion, mainly conveyed by vision, has thus attracted much attention from computer vision researchers in recent years. Given the rapid development, this paper provides a comprehensive survey of more than 200 major fashion-related works covering four main aspects for enabling intelligent fashion: (1) Fashion detection includes landmark detection, fashion parsing, and item retrieval, (2) Fashion analysis contains attribute recognition, style learning, and popularity prediction, (3) Fashion synthesis involves style transfer, pose transformation, and physical simulation, and (4) Fashion recommendation comprises fashion compatibility, outfit matching, and hairstyle suggestion. For each task, the benchmark datasets and the evaluation protocols are summarized. Furthermore, we highlight promising directions for future research.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Mertiana, Windy Deftia; Sardjono, Tri Arief; Hikmah, Nada Fitrieyatul
Peningkatan Kontras Citra Mamografi Digital dengan Menggunakan CLAHE dan Contrast Stretching Journal Article
In: Jurnal Teknik ITS, 9 (2), pp. A222-A227, 2021.
title = {Peningkatan Kontras Citra Mamografi Digital dengan Menggunakan CLAHE dan Contrast Stretching},
author = {Windy Deftia Mertiana and Tri Arief Sardjono and Nada Fitrieyatul Hikmah},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-01-25},
journal = {Jurnal Teknik ITS},
volume = {9},
number = {2},
pages = {A222-A227},
abstract = {Kanker menjadi salah satu penyebab utama angka kematian terbesar di dunia dan kanker payudara menjadi jenis kanker dengan prevalensi paling tinggi dialami oleh perempuan. Pendeteksian dini menggunakan screening mamografi menjadi langkah efektif untuk mengetahui keberadaan kanker payudara walaupun benjolan dalam bentuk gumpalan sering kali muncul dengan tipikal kontras rendah dan seringkali buram. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan dokter dan radiologis untuk mendiagnosis kanker payudara melalui citra mamografi. Namun, tidak menutup kemungkinan terdapat ketidakakuratan proses diagnosis mengingat keterbatasan visual dan objektivitas dari manusia itu sendiri. Beberapa tahun terakhir penelitan mengenai pendeteksian kanker payudara melalui citra mamografi banyak dilakukan. Untuk itu, pada penelitian ini dikembangkan sebuah metode untuk meningkatkan kualitas citra mamografi dan membantu proses pendeteksian kanker payudara berbasis tekstur. Perbaikan kualitas citra berbasis indirect contrast enhancement dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization dan contrast stretching yang dilakukan secara cascade. Melalui pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap 120 citra, didapatkan rata-rata nilai MSE dan PSNR citra yang telah melalui proses peningkatan kontras dengan metode CLAHE sebesar 65, 92 dan 29, 95dB. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata MSE dan PSNR citra hasil contrast stretching sebesar 57, 47 dan 30, 62dB. Sehingga dapat dikatakan metode yang diusulkan akan sangat membatu proses segmentasi pada penelitian selanjutnya.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Hidayati, Shintami Chusnul; Goh, Ting Wei; Chan, Ji-Sheng Gary; Hsu, Cheng-Chun; See, John; Kuan, Wong Lai; Hua, Kai-Lung; Tsao, Yu; Cheng, Wen-Huang
Dress with Style: Learning Style from Joint Deep Embedding of Clothing Styles and Body Shapes Journal Article
In: IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 23 , pp. 365-377, 2021.
title = {Dress with Style: Learning Style from Joint Deep Embedding of Clothing Styles and Body Shapes},
author = {Shintami Chusnul Hidayati and Ting Wei Goh and Ji-Sheng Gary Chan and Cheng-Chun Hsu and John See and Wong Lai Kuan and Kai-Lung Hua and Yu Tsao and Wen-Huang Cheng},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-01-08},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Multimedia},
volume = {23},
pages = {365-377},
abstract = {Body shape is about proportion, and fashion style is all about dressing those proportions to look their very best. Figuring out the styles to suit a body shape can be a daunting task for many people. It is, therefore, essential to develop a framework for learning the compatibility of body shapes and clothing styles. Though fashion designers and fashion stylists have analyzed the correlation between human body shapes and fashion styles for a long time, this issue did not receive much attention in multimedia science. In this paper, we present a novel style recommender, on the basis of the user's body attributes. The rich amount of fashion styling knowledge from social big data is exploited for this purpose. We first construct a joint embedding of clothing styles and human body measurements with deep multimodal representation learning on a reference dataset that has been sorted to meet the fashion rules. We then …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nafi'iyah, Nur; Fatichah, Chastine; Astuti, Eha Renwi; Herumurti, Darlis
The Use of Pre and Post Processing to Enhance Mandible Segmentation using Active Contours on Dental Panoramic Radiography Images Journal Article
In: 2020 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI), pp. 661-666, 2020.
title = {The Use of Pre and Post Processing to Enhance Mandible Segmentation using Active Contours on Dental Panoramic Radiography Images},
author = {Nur Nafi'iyah and Chastine Fatichah and Eha Renwi Astuti and Darlis Herumurti},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-12-10},
journal = {2020 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI)},
pages = {661-666},
abstract = {Mandibular segmentation is indispensable to support the automation of the gender detection system based on the dental panoramic radiography image. However, the dental panoramic radiography image has low image contrast, the gray intensity value inhomogeneous, and the gray intensity value between the teeth and mandibular bone is almost indistinguishable. So, a good segmentation method is required to separate the mandible and teeth properly. This study aims to analyze the effect of the use of preprocessing and post-processing to enhance mandible segmentation on dental panoramic radiography images properly. In the preprocessing, we use contrast enhancement and Gaussian filters to make the mandibular area more prominent. Meanwhile, in the post-processing, we use erosion and opening morphology to remove the tooth area attached to the mandible. The mandibular segmentation uses the …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Karlita, Tita; Yuniarno, Eko Mulyanto; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
Detection of COVID-19 on Chest X-Ray Images using Inverted Residuals Structure-Based Convolutional Neural Networks Journal Article
In: 2020 3rd International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT), pp. 371-376, 2020.
title = {Detection of COVID-19 on Chest X-Ray Images using Inverted Residuals Structure-Based Convolutional Neural Networks},
author = {Tita Karlita and Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno and I Ketut Eddy Purnama and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-24},
journal = {2020 3rd International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT)},
pages = {371-376},
abstract = {China officially reported the COVID-19 coronavirus's existence to the World Health Organization (WHO) on December 31, 2019. Since then, it has spread and has infected millions of people around the world. COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease and it can cause severe respiratory distress. In severe cases it can result in failure of the function of organs simultaneously. Recent studies have shown that chest X-rays of patients suffering from COVID-19 show the specific characteristics of those infected with the virus. This paper presents a method to detect the presence of COVID-19 on chest X-ray images based on inverted residuals structure implemented in MobileNetV2 as a base model. We also explore the performance of using a Fully connected layer with dropout and using the Global Average Pooling layer as top layers of the base model to classify each image into COVID-19 or NonCOVID-19. Our proposed …},
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pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Yasin, Yordan; Rumala, Dewinda Julianensi; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery; Ratna, Anak Agung Putri; Hidayati, Afif Nurul; Nurtanio, Ingrid; Rachmadi, Reza Fuad; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy
Open Set Deep Networks Based on Extreme Value Theory (EVT) for Open Set Recognition in Skin Disease Classification Journal Article
In: 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 332-337, 2020.
title = {Open Set Deep Networks Based on Extreme Value Theory (EVT) for Open Set Recognition in Skin Disease Classification},
author = {Yordan Yasin and Dewinda Julianensi Rumala and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo and Anak Agung Putri Ratna and Afif Nurul Hidayati and Ingrid Nurtanio and Reza Fuad Rachmadi and I Ketut Eddy Purnama},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-17},
journal = {2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {332-337},
abstract = {A computerized skin disease classification system generally works on closed-set data, meaning images from unknown classes will still be classified as one of the known classes. In the Teledermatology system, skin disease classes are usually defined before the training process. However, in the real world application, it may receive images that belong to a new class or disease. To avoid misclassification, we have implemented the Extreme Value Theory of Weibull distribution function for out of distribution detection and incorporated the OpenMax layer to the deep networks for open-set recognition in skin disease classification. The system can classify seven classes of common skin disease in Indonesia with an accuracy of 71.64% using Inception v3 for closed-set data, while it achieved an accuracy of 83.33% for open-set recognition. The result indicates that the proposed method in this study has reached the purpose …},
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pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Rahajeng, Andhryn Celica Dewi; Nuh, Mohammad; Hikmah, Nada Fitrieyatul
An Evaluation Performance of Kernel on Support Vector Machine to Classify The Skin Tumors in Dermoscopy Image Journal Article
In: 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 76-81, 2020.
title = {An Evaluation Performance of Kernel on Support Vector Machine to Classify The Skin Tumors in Dermoscopy Image},
author = {Andhryn Celica Dewi Rahajeng and Mohammad Nuh and Nada Fitrieyatul Hikmah},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-17},
journal = {2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {76-81},
abstract = {Skin cancer has recently become one of the types of cancer that often appears and could become deadly. Mortality from skin cancer patient could be reduced if the detection and treatment is early and appropriate. Segmentation of skin lesions is usually on images that have classified melanocytic, whereas skin lesions that are classified as nonmelanocytic are equally important. Support vector machine (SVM) are used to differentiate skin lesions in dermoscopic images. The results of the classification, achieving best performance with accuracy of 85%, sensitivity of 86%, specification of 84%, and precision of 88% using radial basis function kernel. RBF kernel is giving best performance for this type of data. For validation model, this study using k-Fold Cross Validation. The optimal value are k=7 and k=8 with an accuracy of 83%. This study gives an idea to deal with disease which related to skin cancer using image …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Alvionita, Vina; Nuh, Mohammad; Hikmah, Nada Fitrieyatul
Data Balancing Techniques Evaluation on Convolutional Neural Network to Classify The Diabetic Retinopathy of Fundus Image Journal Article
In: 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 354-359, 2020.
title = {Data Balancing Techniques Evaluation on Convolutional Neural Network to Classify The Diabetic Retinopathy of Fundus Image},
author = {Vina Alvionita and Mohammad Nuh and Nada Fitrieyatul Hikmah},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-17},
journal = {2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {354-359},
abstract = {Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a common complication diabetic patients that causes impaired vision, and may even lead to blindness. Several studies on the DR diagnosis based on Computer-aided Diagnosis (CAD) had been conducted. The method used various feature extraction modules and a particular classifier. However, this method required a long step. In a different circumstance, deep neural networks had been successfully applied in various fields and showing good performance. For this reason, we proposed a classification system for DR based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). In this study, we used retina images dataset from the Asia-Pacific Tele-Ophthalmology Society (APTOS) to train CNN under three different conditions. Sequentially is imbalanced, balanced by undersampling, and balanced by oversampling. The best results were obtained in the third condition, with an accuracy of 73.64 …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Kurniawan, Arief; Pradanggapasti, Firdaus Nanda; Rachmadi, Reza Fuad; Setijadi, Eko; Yuniarno, Eko Mulyanto; Yusuf, Mochamad; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy
Arrhythmia Classification on Electrocardiogram Signal Using Convolution Neural Network Based on Frequency Spectrum Journal Article
In: 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 29-33, 2020.
title = {Arrhythmia Classification on Electrocardiogram Signal Using Convolution Neural Network Based on Frequency Spectrum},
author = {Arief Kurniawan and Firdaus Nanda Pradanggapasti and Reza Fuad Rachmadi and Eko Setijadi and Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno and Mochamad Yusuf and I Ketut Eddy Purnama},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-17},
journal = {2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {29-33},
abstract = {Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. To find out heart disease early, it can be detected by examining the presence or absence of arrhythmias. Arrhythmia is an abnormal heart beat rhythm, can beat too fast, too slow, or beat with irregular patterns, so that the arrhythmia has many types. To diagnose arrhythmias, one method that can be used is by analyzing ECG (Electrocardiogram) signals. Currently, doctors and medical personnel analyze ECG signals manually. Because the number of cardiologist paramedics is far less than the number of patients, patients need hardware or software to analyze the heart independently. With the development of technology in this era, there is a technology called Deep Learning. Deep Learning is a development of Machine Learning. In this paper, we proposed one method of Deep Learning, namely Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), is used to classify 5 types of …},
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pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Pramulen, Aji Sapta; Yuniarno, Eko Mulyanto; Nugroho, J; Sunarya, I Made Gede; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy
Carotid Artery Segmentation on Ultrasound Image using Deep Learning based on Non-Local Means-based Speckle Filtering Journal Article
In: 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 360-365, 2020.
title = {Carotid Artery Segmentation on Ultrasound Image using Deep Learning based on Non-Local Means-based Speckle Filtering},
author = {Aji Sapta Pramulen and Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno and J Nugroho and I Made Gede Sunarya and I Ketut Eddy Purnama},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-17},
journal = {2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {360-365},
abstract = {Cardiovascular disease (CVD) causes significant deaths worldwide, of which 17.3 million deaths per year are due to CVD. The use of Ultrasound is necessary to see the abnormalities. The study will segment Carotid Artery segmentation on the Ultrasound image by using the U-Net-based architecture of non-local means-based speckle filtering (NLMBSF). The images will use NLMBSF to reduce speckles, and the data set will be divided into two parts, namely the dataset, which using NLMBSF and not NLMBSF. After that, doing training to create a U-net model, the training data model results will be searched with the best Accuracy. The obtained result of the study is an accuracy value of 97.74%, dice value is 87.22%, and a loss of 0.0107 on data that does not use NLMBSF. Still, it got different data results using NLMBSF, namely 97.6% accuracy, dice value is 84.06% and 0.0138 value loss.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Purwitasari, Diana; Raharjo, Agus Budi; Akbar, Izzat Aulia; Atletiko, Faizal Johan; Anggraeni, Wiwik; Ardian, Muhammad; Hidayat, Niko Azhari; Suprayogi, Hendro; Amin, Muhammad
Time Series Analysis for Understanding Local Policy Impact of COVID-19 Cases in East Java Journal Article
In: 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 52-57, 2020.
title = {Time Series Analysis for Understanding Local Policy Impact of COVID-19 Cases in East Java},
author = {Diana Purwitasari and Agus Budi Raharjo and Izzat Aulia Akbar and Faizal Johan Atletiko and Wiwik Anggraeni and Muhammad Ardian and Niko Azhari Hidayat and Hendro Suprayogi and Muhammad Amin},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-17},
journal = {2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {52-57},
abstract = {Daily new cases of COVID-19 as a series of data points ordered in time is one representation of time series data. Our works expect to understand the data characteristics that is related to existing government policies. This paper aims to highlight the impact report and analyses of some COVID-19 policies in East Java province districts. The study is focused on the policy execution before and during the new normal situation of COVID-19 using time series data of new cases as possible and easily observable results. Aside from time series analysis, some visual analysis is performed as well. The experiments focused on some questions related to the policy effectiveness: finding patterns of daily new cases to instigate the need for other local policies and understanding any precedence on occurred cases for nearby districts. Although the second question is not confirmable, the first question verifies more tightened social …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Rumala, Dewinda Julianensi; Yuniarno, Eko Mulyanto; Rachmadi, Reza Fuad; Nugroho, Supeno Mardi Susiki; Tjahyaningtijas, Hapsari Peni Agustin; Adrianto, Yudhi; Sensusiati, Anggraini Dwi; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy
In: 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 402-407, 2020.
title = {Activation Functions Evaluation to Improve Performance of Convolutional Neural Network in Brain Disease Classification Based on Magnetic Resonance Images},
author = {Dewinda Julianensi Rumala and Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno and Reza Fuad Rachmadi and Supeno Mardi Susiki Nugroho and Hapsari Peni Agustin Tjahyaningtijas and Yudhi Adrianto and Anggraini Dwi Sensusiati and I Ketut Eddy Purnama},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-17},
journal = {2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {402-407},
abstract = {Early detection and treatment of brain disease are essential. However, brain disease diagnosis used to be challenging, on the other hand imaging techniques such as MRI make it easier. For the past years, many researchers have used several methods of Machine Learning and Deep Learning to diagnose brain abnormalities without any human help. Convolutional Neural Network is the best method to extract features of images automatically. In this study, a Deep Learning model of Convolutional Neural Network algorithm is applied to classify brain MR Images into normal and abnormal classes. The constructed network architecture was evaluated based on several activation functions and numbers of epoch. The experiment results achieved a significant performance with the best accuracy of 99.12% and dice score of 98.17% using ELU activation function at epoch 50. This result indicates that the proposed method …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Zaini, Ahmad; Suprapto, Yoyon Kusnendar; Yuniarno, Eko Mulyanto
Synchronization of Vertical Electrooculography Sensor (EOGV) Data on Eye Image Data as Blink Data Validator Journal Article
In: 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 180-184, 2020.
title = {Synchronization of Vertical Electrooculography Sensor (EOGV) Data on Eye Image Data as Blink Data Validator},
author = {Ahmad Zaini and Yoyon Kusnendar Suprapto and Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-17},
journal = {2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {180-184},
abstract = {This paper presents research on synchronizing the data of the Electrooculography (EOG) sensor with eye image data when someone blinks. In this study, we carry out the validation of the vertical blink data synchronization from the EOGV sensor to the blinking eye image. The research uses two modalities to get data validity, whether someone blinks or not. There is ambiguity in the two modalities that have different data rates, and both might also have different false data that should not be recognized as signals or blinking eyelid data the same. Data modality matching and data interpolation are implemented to get complete data following the data duration and to get the pair of both modalities. We use linear regression to obtain a formulation of the synchronous relationship between the EOG blinking data sequence and the number of blinking eyelid image frame data.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Islamiyah, Wardah R; Wulandari, Diah P; Sarasati, Nadhira N; Suprapto, Yoyon K; Purnami, Santi W; Juniani, Anda I
Identification of Epilepsy Phase Based on Time Domain Feature Using ECG Signals Journal Article
In: 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 1-6, 2020.
title = {Identification of Epilepsy Phase Based on Time Domain Feature Using ECG Signals},
author = {Wardah R Islamiyah and Diah P Wulandari and Nadhira N Sarasati and Yoyon K Suprapto and Santi W Purnami and Anda I Juniani},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-17},
journal = {2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {1-6},
abstract = {Epilepsy is a neural disease caused by brain signal abnormalities. There are three phases in epilepsy, the pre-ictal, ictal, and post-ictal phase. To distinguish those phases, usually EEG signal is used. However, there is a study mentioning the connection between epilepsy and heart signals, so there is a probability to distinguish those phases using ECG. This study is made for distinguish the three phases in epilepsy and the normal condition of epilepsy patient using K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm. Dataset used in this study was from PhysioNet, obtained from long-term EEG and ECG record of epileptic patient without history of cardiac disease. With the ability to do the identification of epilepsy phase, it is expected to help doctors and medical staffs to differ epileptic ECG signals for every different phases in epilepsy, and to prove the hypothesis whether the three phases in epilepsy can be distinguished from the …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Purnawan, I Ketut Adi; Wibawa, Adhi Dharma; Rahmadani, Rizal Ardhi; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
Optimal EMG Feature Selection for Classification of Normal and Post-Stroke from Hand-Reaching Movement Journal Article
In: 2020 4th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT), pp. 1-6, 2020.
title = {Optimal EMG Feature Selection for Classification of Normal and Post-Stroke from Hand-Reaching Movement},
author = {I Ketut Adi Purnawan and Adhi Dharma Wibawa and Rizal Ardhi Rahmadani and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-10-22},
urldate = {2020-10-22},
journal = {2020 4th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT)},
pages = {1-6},
abstract = {Electromyography (EMG) signals have been used extensively in research related to muscle functioning rehabilitation of post-stroke patients. EMG signal is non-linear, non-stationary, and similar in domains of time and frequency hence needs an automated system to classify the signal acquired from normal and post-stroke patient. An accurate EMG signal classification system relies on the number of features extracted from datasets. More features involved mean a better classification performance but causing a heavier computational needed. In this paper, we selected the most optimal EMG signal feature to minimize the feature used. The criteria of selected optimal feature is should have the highest accuracy compared to the other features. In order to weigh the accuracy, we employed the tree-based classifier. The optimal features were selected among 13 time-domain (TD) of normal and post-stroke patient EMG hand …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Fariza, Arna; Arifin, Agus Zainal; Astuti, Eha Renwi
Automatic Tooth and Background Segmentation in Dental X-ray Using U-Net Convolution Network Journal Article
In: 2020 6th International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech), pp. 144-149, 2020.
title = {Automatic Tooth and Background Segmentation in Dental X-ray Using U-Net Convolution Network},
author = {Arna Fariza and Agus Zainal Arifin and Eha Renwi Astuti},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-10-21},
journal = {2020 6th International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech)},
pages = {144-149},
abstract = {Tooth and background segmentation in dental X-ray is used to produce an area of a tooth by removing areas of tissue and other neighboring teeth. This presents challenges due to a large number of superimposed (overlapping) images of teeth between the adjacent teeth and the difficulty of determining the area of the tooth with other tissues automatically. This study proposes a new approach for the automatic segmentation of dental X-ray images using the U-Net convolution network. The stages used in the training process consist of data augmentation, pre-processing with Contrast Limited Adequate Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) and gamma adjustment, and training with the U-Net architecture. While the testing process consists of pre-processing, prediction, and removing small areas in the background. The experimental results show the average accuracy of the proposed U-Net convolutional network …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Wahyuningrum, Rima Tri; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy; Verkerke, Gijsbertus Jacob; van Ooijen, Peter MA; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
A novel method for determining the Femoral-Tibial Angle of Knee Osteoarthritis on X-ray radiographs: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative Journal Article
In: Heliyon, 6 (8), pp. e04433, 2020.
title = {A novel method for determining the Femoral-Tibial Angle of Knee Osteoarthritis on X-ray radiographs: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative},
author = {Rima Tri Wahyuningrum and I Ketut Eddy Purnama and Gijsbertus Jacob Verkerke and Peter MA van Ooijen and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-08-01},
journal = {Heliyon},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {e04433},
abstract = {Femoral-tibial alignment is a prominent risk factor for Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA) incidence and progression. One way of assessing alignment is by determining the Femoral-Tibial Angle (FTA). Several studies have investigated FTA determination; however, methods of assessment of FTA still present challenges. This paper introduces a new method for semi-automatic measurement of FTA as part of KOA research. Our novel approach combines preprocessing of X-ray images and the use of Active Shape Model (ASM) as the femoral and tibial segmentation method, followed by a thinning process. The result of the thinning process is used to predict FTA automatically by measuring the angle between the intersection of the two vectors of branching points on the femoral and tibial areas. The proposed method is trained on 10 x-ray images and tested on 50 different x-ray images of the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) dataset …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Prativy, Suci Intan; Baki, Siti Halimah; Hikmah, Nada Fitrieyatul
Diagnostik Kelelahan dengan Sinyal Electrocardiogram (ECG) untuk Kontrol Kecepatan Treadmill Berbasis Fuzzy Logic Journal Article
In: Jurnal Teknik ITS, 9 (1), pp. F37-F41, 2020.
title = {Diagnostik Kelelahan dengan Sinyal Electrocardiogram (ECG) untuk Kontrol Kecepatan Treadmill Berbasis Fuzzy Logic},
author = {Suci Intan Prativy and Siti Halimah Baki and Nada Fitrieyatul Hikmah},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-07-29},
journal = {Jurnal Teknik ITS},
volume = {9},
number = {1},
pages = {F37-F41},
abstract = {Electrocardiography (ECG) merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk merekam data aktivitas elektris otot jantung antara lain Heart rate Variability dan durasi sinyal QRS. ECG merupakan indikator yang paling umum digunakan dan dapat menjawab masalah fisiologis manusia dalam keadaan statis dan dinamis, contohnya olahraga. Saat berolahraga ada fase-fase yang harus dilakukan yaitu fase pemanasan, fase proses olahraga itu sendiri, serta fase pendinginan. Namun, sering kali fase-fase ini dilewatkan. Berdasarkan anjuran dari produsen treadmill KETTLER RUN 11 serta dengan bantuan Karvonen Formula dan persen Cardivascular Load (% CVL), diciptakan sistem untuk menentukan beban latihan saat berolahraga lari berdasarkan kebutuhan tiap-tiap individu. Karvonen Formula merupakan formula yang dipergunakan untuk menghitung nilai heart rate minimal dan maksimal seseorang, dimana dalam perhitungannya dibutuhkan informasi usia, jenis kelamin, nilai resting heart rate, serta level intensitas olahraga yang diinginkan dari individu yang akan dihitung nilai heart rate minimal dan maksimalnya. Parameter% CVL digunakan untuk mengetahui kapan seseorang harus berhenti berolahraga berdasarkan heart rate maksimal, heart rate minimum dan heart rate saat berolahraga. Pada saat sistem dijalankan, tiga buah elektroda yang terpasang pada dada disambungkan ke ECG untuk kegiatan monitoring. Data yang diambil menunjukan kenaikan heart rate stabil ketika menjalankan fase pemanasan dan fase proses. Sedangkan pada fase pendinginan mengalami penurunan yang juga stabil. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dengan …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Novitasari, Made Dwi; Wibawa, Adhi Dharma; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery; Islamiyah, Wardah Rahmatul; Fatoni, Ali
Investigating EEG Pattern During Designed-Hand Movement Tasks in Stroke Patients Journal Article
In: 2020 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), pp. 141-147, 2020.
title = {Investigating EEG Pattern During Designed-Hand Movement Tasks in Stroke Patients},
author = {Made Dwi Novitasari and Adhi Dharma Wibawa and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo and Wardah Rahmatul Islamiyah and Ali Fatoni},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-07-22},
journal = {2020 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA)},
pages = {141-147},
abstract = {Stroke is a catastrophic disease with the second-highest mortality rate in the world. It is also the leading cause of disability in many countries. A stroke rehabilitation program is crucial for the recovery process of post-stroke patients. It must be supported by measurable monitoring. Rehabilitation monitoring is currently still carried out through visual and manual observation, so the measurement results have not been well presented and subjective. Monitoring using EEG can provide solutions to these needs. During the monitoring process, significant parameters of EEG need to be explored. This study aims to find the most stable parameters that could be applied as a basis for measuring progress in stroke rehabilitation monitoring. The parameters are searched by calculating the difference between the value of the features of healthy hand movements with affected hand movements in the same individual stroke patients …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Santoso, Irwan Budi; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy
Epileptic EEG Signal Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Optimum Window Length and FFT's Length Journal Article
In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications Management, pp. 87-91, 2020.
title = {Epileptic EEG Signal Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Optimum Window Length and FFT's Length},
author = {Irwan Budi Santoso and I Ketut Eddy Purnama},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-07-17},
journal = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications Management},
pages = {87-91},
abstract = {This paper presents the method for the epilepsy classification based on electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. This method uses the spectrogram image of EEG signals and convolutional neural networks (CNN). The spectrogram image is obtained by mapping the spectrogram value of the results of the short-time Fourier Transform (STFT) to the RGB color map. The best spectrogram for CNN is determined based on the length of fast Fourier transform (FFT) and window length in the windowing technique. The proposed method is evaluated with the epileptic EEG signal datasets. The experimental results show CNN works optimally with spectrogram images from STFT on the window length of 128 and the length of FFT of 128. In these conditions, the performance of CNN in the classification of epilepsy is better than others and able to compete with existing methods.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Syuhada, Fahmi Syuhada; Arifin, Agus Zainal
Automatic Segmentation of Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography Image Based on Level Set Method Using Morphology Operators and Polynomial Fitting Journal Article
In: Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering (J-Cosine), 4 (1), pp. 45-52, 2020.
title = {Automatic Segmentation of Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography Image Based on Level Set Method Using Morphology Operators and Polynomial Fitting},
author = {Fahmi Syuhada Syuhada and Agus Zainal Arifin},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-06-30},
journal = {Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering (J-Cosine)},
volume = {4},
number = {1},
pages = {45-52},
abstract = {Automatic Segmentation of dental cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images is challenging due to the intensity of the teeth that have low level intensity. In this paper we proposes a new method for automatic teeth segmentation in slices of CBCT images based on level let method using morphology operators and polynomial fitting. Morphology operators are used to construct the Region of Interest (ROI) area of dental objects in the image slice. ROI is used to focus the analysis process on areas of dental objects which generally have a polynomial pattern distribution. Polynomial fitting is obtained to estimation arc of teeth structure in CBCT images. Level Set is implemented to evolve the ROI to obtain the contours of dental objects. Comparison between proposed method result and the ground truth images shows that the method gives best average accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity value of 99.02%, 95.32%, 99.09%, respectively. This value that the proposed method is promising for accurate segmentation of the entire tooth form on CBCT images.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Adillion, Ilham Gurat; Ishida, Yoshiteru; Arifin, Agus Zainal
Line Operator as Preprocessing Method for CNN-based Osteoporosis Detection in Dental Panoramic Radiograph Journal Article
In: Proceedings of the 2020 The 6th International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies, pp. 103-107, 2020.
title = {Line Operator as Preprocessing Method for CNN-based Osteoporosis Detection in Dental Panoramic Radiograph},
author = {Ilham Gurat Adillion and Yoshiteru Ishida and Agus Zainal Arifin},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-06-05},
journal = {Proceedings of the 2020 The 6th International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies},
pages = {103-107},
abstract = {Osteoporosis is a disease that can be detected via the trabecular bone pattern in Dental Panoramic Radiograph (DPR). Trabecular bone pattern is difficult to see by the naked eye due to the low contrast and low resolution of DPR. This can affect the performance of osteoporosis disease detection using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). In this paper we propose the use of Line Operator (LO) on DPR images as a preprocessing method to enhance trabecular bone pattern for CNN-based osteoporosis detection. LO is a method that can enhance line-like structures in medical images such as retina and DPR dataset. To study the effect of LO on CNN-based osteoporosis detection, the performance of non-preprocessed images, LO-preprocessed images and LO+ histogram equalization pre-processed images was compared. Results showed that LO-preprocessed images give best osteoporosis detection accuracy of 0 …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Tjahyaningtijas, Hapsari Peni Agustin; Nugroho, Andi Kurniawan; Angkoso, Cucun Very; Purnama, I Ketut Edy; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
Automatic segmentation on glioblastoma brain tumor magnetic resonance imaging using modified u-net Journal Article
In: EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology, 8 (1), pp. 161-177, 2020.
title = {Automatic segmentation on glioblastoma brain tumor magnetic resonance imaging using modified u-net},
author = {Hapsari Peni Agustin Tjahyaningtijas and Andi Kurniawan Nugroho and Cucun Very Angkoso and I Ketut Edy Purnama and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-06-02},
journal = {EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology},
volume = {8},
number = {1},
pages = {161-177},
abstract = {Glioblastoma is listed as a malignant brain tumor. Due to its heterogeneous composition in one area of the tumor, the area of tumor is difficult to segment from healthy tissue. On the other side, the segmentation of brain tumor MRI imaging is also erroneous and takes time because of the large MRI image data. An automated segmentation approach based on fully convolutional architecture was developed to overcome the problem. One of fully convolutional network that used is U-Net framework. U-Net architecture is evaluated base on the number of epochs and drop-out values to achieve the most suitable architecture for the automatic segmentation of glioblastoma brain tumors. Through experimental findings, the most fitting architectural model is mU-Net architecture with an epoch number of 90 and a drop out layer value of 0.5. The results of the segmentation performance are shown by a dice value of 0.909 which is greater than that of the previous research.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Kusuma, Hendra; Attamimi, Muhammad; Fahrudin, Hasby
Deep learning based facial expressions recognition system for assisting visually impaired persons Journal Article
In: Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 9 (3), pp. 1208-1219, 2020.
title = {Deep learning based facial expressions recognition system for assisting visually impaired persons},
author = {Hendra Kusuma and Muhammad Attamimi and Hasby Fahrudin},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-06-01},
journal = {Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics},
volume = {9},
number = {3},
pages = {1208-1219},
abstract = {In general, a good interaction including communication can be achieved when verbal and non-verbal information such as body movements, gestures, facial expressions, can be processed in two directions between the speaker and listener. Especially the facial expression is one of the indicators of the inner state of the speaker and/or the listener during the communication. Therefore, recognizing the facial expressions is necessary and becomes the important ability in communication. Such ability will be a challenge for the visually impaired persons. This fact motivated us to develop a facial recognition system. Our system is based on deep learning algorithm. We implemented the proposed system on a wearable device which enables the visually impaired persons to recognize facial expressions during the communication. We have conducted several experiments involving the visually impaired persons to validate our proposed system and the promising results were achieved.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Sunarya, I Made Gede; Yuniarno, Eko Mulyanto; Sardjono, Tri Arief; Sunu, Ismoyo; van Ooijen, Peter MA; Purnama, I Ketut Eddy
3D Reconstruction of Carotid Artery in B-mode Ultrasound Image using Modified Template Matching Based on Ellipse Feature Journal Article
In: Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization (Q3), 8 (3), pp. 301-312, 2020.
title = {3D Reconstruction of Carotid Artery in B-mode Ultrasound Image using Modified Template Matching Based on Ellipse Feature},
author = {I Made Gede Sunarya and Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno and Tri Arief Sardjono and Ismoyo Sunu and Peter MA van Ooijen and I Ketut Eddy Purnama},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-05-03},
journal = {Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization (Q3)},
volume = {8},
number = {3},
pages = {301-312},
abstract = {Detection of vascular areas using B-mode ultrasound is required for automated applications such as registration and navigation in medical operations. The limitations of Ultrasound imaging are the requirement of sonographer’s skills, expertise, and also knowledge when making data acquisition. It also influences the quality of the images. Carotid atherosclerosis can be treated with carotid artery stenting. The starting point of needle injection cannot be determined with certainty. The position of the arteries is in the body, therefore, determining the starting point of needle injection is done by estimation only and cannot be certainly determined. To be able to determine it, the first step needed is to determine the location of the carotid artery. We propose a 3D reconstruction of carotid artery using a modified template matching based on ellipse feature to determine it. It is processed using the procedure of data acquisition …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Purnami, Santi Wulan; Nuraisyah, Triajeng; Islamiyah, Wardah Rahmatul; Wulandari, Diah P; Juniani, Anda I
In: The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics in Engineering, pp. 198-210, 2020.
title = {Least Square Support Vector Machine for Interictal Detection Based on EEG of Epilepsy Patients at Airlangga University Hospital Surabaya-Indonesia},
author = {Santi Wulan Purnami and Triajeng Nuraisyah and Wardah Rahmatul Islamiyah and Diah P Wulandari and Anda I Juniani},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-04-18},
journal = {The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics in Engineering},
pages = {198-210},
abstract = {Epilepsy is a chronic disease characterized by recurrent seizures. Epileptic seizures occur due to central nervous system (neurological) disorders. Around 50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy. The diagnosis of epilepsy can be done through an electroencephalogram (EEG). There are two important periods to consider in EEG recording, the interictal period (clinically no seizures) and ictal (clinically seizures). Meanwhile, visual inspection of EEG signals to detect interictal and ictal periods often involves an element of subjectivity and it requires experience. So that automatic detection of interictal periods with classification method is badly needed. In this study, Least Square Support Vector Machine (LS SVM) method for classification of interictal and ictal was used. Data preprocessing process was carried out using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). The result showed that the classification using LS …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Sarno, Riyanarto; Sungkono, Kelly Rossa; Rifqi, Mohammad Ardika; Fahmi, Achmad; Turchan, Agus; Bajamal, Abdul Hafid
Automatic Ventral Intermediate Nucleus Localization Based on Anterior Commissure and Posterior Commissure Journal Article
In: Preprint from Research Square, 2020.
title = {Automatic Ventral Intermediate Nucleus Localization Based on Anterior Commissure and Posterior Commissure},
author = {Riyanarto Sarno and Kelly Rossa Sungkono and Mohammad Ardika Rifqi and Achmad Fahmi and Agus Turchan and Abdul Hafid Bajamal},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-04-09},
journal = {Preprint from Research Square},
abstract = {The ventral intermediate nucleus (Vim), as the motor thalamic nuclei section, is a generally used target in brain lesion surgery or stimulation for decreasing tremors in people with Parkinson’s disease. Determining the exact position of Vim is challenging because Vim cannot be visualized clearly in commonly used magnetic resonance imaging (MR). Indirect methods, ie, Coordinate-based targeting and Guiot’s, utilize anterior commissure and posterior commissure to detect the location of Vim. In practice, neurosurgeons manually implement these methods in existing neurosurgical planning software, so the accuracy of the targeting depends on their memory and foresight. Afterward, Coordinate-based targeting and Guiot’s locate Vim based on anterior commissure (AC) and posterior commissure (PC), so neurosurgeons must correctly determine AC and PC. This paper proposes automatic indirect methods and measures the accuracy of indirect methods in MRIs with correct and incorrect orientations of AC-PC planes. An objective of analyzing indirect methods in MRIs with incorrect orientations of AC-PC planes is to discover the most resilient indirect method with inaccuracy AC-PC planes. To develop automatic indirect methods, the first step is redefining the plane passing through three defined points, ie, AC, PC, and midline reference, by a quaternion. Secondly, Coordinate-based targeting and Guiot’s are implemented to determine the Vim targeting location automatically. This paper converts the rules of those methods in voxels because the rules use millimeters while the three-dimensional MRIs use voxels. The experiment shows that Vim locations …},
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pubstate = {published},
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Adam, Safri; Arifin, Agus Zainal
In: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informasi, 13 (1), pp. 25-34, 2020.
author = {Safri Adam and Agus Zainal Arifin},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-03-14},
journal = {Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informasi},
volume = {13},
number = {1},
pages = {25-34},
abstract = {Untuk melakukan ekstraksi fitur pada objek gigi, maka diperlukan segmentasi terlebih dahulu. Proses segmentasi memisahkan antara bagian gigi (objek) dengan bagian selain gigi (background). proses untuk melakukan segmentasi gigi secara individu telah dilakukan oleh penelitian terkini dan memperoleh hasil yang bagus. Namun ketika dihadapkan dengan gigi yang overlap (tumpang tindih), hal ini menjadi tantangan. Segmentasi pada gigi yang overlap menggunakan algoritma terkini masih menghasilkan satu objek. Hal ini disebabkan karena dua gigi yang saling tumpuk seolah-olah menjadi satu. Untuk memisahkan dua gigi yang overlap, maka perlu mengekstrak objek overlap terlebih dahulu. Metode level set banyak digunakan untuk melakukan segmentasi objek, namun memiliki kelemahan yaitu perlu didefinisikan inisial awal secara manual oleh pengguna. Dalam penelitian ini diusulkan strategi inisialisasi otomatis pada metode level set untuk melakukan segmentasi gigi yang overlap menggunakan Hierarchical Cluster Analysis pada citra panorama gigi. Strategi yang diusulkan mampu melakukan inisialisasi objek overlap dengan akurasi sebesar 73%. Evaluasi untuk mengukur kualitas hasil segmentasi gigi yang overlap menggunakan missclassification error (ME) dan relative foreground area error (RAE). ME dan RAE dihitung berdasarkan hasil rata-rata dari segmentasi gigi individu dan memperoleh ME sebesar 16, 41% dan RAE 52, 14%. strategi yang diusulkan diharapkan dapat membantu melakukan segmentasi terhadap citra gigi yang overlap untuk penilaian estimasi usia manusia melalui citra gigi dalam bidang odontologi …},
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pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Effendi, Yutika Amelia; Sarno, Riyanarto
Time-based α+ miner for modelling business processes using temporal pattern Journal Article
In: Telkomnika (Q2), 18 (1), pp. 114-123, 2020.
title = {Time-based α+ miner for modelling business processes using temporal pattern},
author = {Yutika Amelia Effendi and Riyanarto Sarno},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-02-01},
journal = {Telkomnika (Q2)},
volume = {18},
number = {1},
pages = {114-123},
abstract = {Business processes are implemented in an organization. When a business process is run, it generates event log. One type of event log is double timestamp event log. Double timestamp has the start and complete time of each activity executed in the business process and has a close relationship with temporal pattern. In this paper, seven types of temporal pattern between activities were presented as extended version of relations used in the double timestamp event log. Since the event log was not always executed in sequential way, therefore using temporal pattern, event log was divided into several small groups to mine the business process both sequential and parallel. Both temporal pattern and Time-based α+ Miner algorithm were used to mine process model, determined sequential and parallel relations and then evaluated the process model using fitness value. This paper was focused on the advantages of temporal pattern implemented in Time-based α+ Miner algorithm to mine business process. The results also clearly stated that the proposed method could present better result rather than that of original α+ Miner algorithm.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Effendi, Yutika Amelia; Sarno, Riyanarto
Parallel process discovery using a new Time-Based Alpha++ Miner Journal Article
In: IIUM Engineering Journal (Q4), 21 (1), pp. 126-141, 2020.
title = {Parallel process discovery using a new Time-Based Alpha++ Miner},
author = {Yutika Amelia Effendi and Riyanarto Sarno},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-01-20},
urldate = {2020-01-20},
journal = {IIUM Engineering Journal (Q4)},
volume = {21},
number = {1},
pages = {126-141},
abstract = {A lot of services in business processes lead information systems to build huge amounts of event logs that are difficult to observe. The event log will be analysed using a process discovery technique to mine the process model by implementing some well-known algorithms such as deterministic algorithms and heuristic algorithms. All of the algorithms have their own benefits and limitations in analysing and discovering the event log into process models. This research proposed a new Time-based Alpha++ Miner with an improvement of the Alpha++ Miner and Modified Time-based Alpha Miner algorithm. The proposed miner is able to consider noise traces, loop, and non-free choice when modelling a process model where both of original algorithms cannot override those issues. A new Time-based Alpha++ Miner utilizing Time Interval Pattern can mine the process model using new rules defined by the time interval pattern using a double-time stamp event log and define sequence and parallel (AND, OR, and XOR) relation. The original miners are only able to discover sequence and parallel (AND and XOR) relation. To know the differences between the original Alpha++ Miner and the new one including the process model and its relations, the evaluation using fitness and precision was done in this research. The results presented that the process model obtained by a new Time-based Alpha++ Miner was better than that of the original Alpha++ Miner algorithm in terms of parallel OR, handling noise, fitness value, and precision value.},
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pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Arifin, Agus Zainal; Tanuwijaya, Evan; Nugroho, Baskoro; Priyatno, Arif Mudi; Indraswari, Rarasmaya; Astuti, Eha Renwi; Navastara, Dini Adni
Automatic image slice marking propagation on segmentation of dental CBCT Journal Article
In: TELKOMNIKA, 17 , pp. 3218-3225, 2019.
title = {Automatic image slice marking propagation on segmentation of dental CBCT},
author = {Agus Zainal Arifin and Evan Tanuwijaya and Baskoro Nugroho and Arif Mudi Priyatno and Rarasmaya Indraswari and Eha Renwi Astuti and Dini Adni Navastara},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-12-01},
journal = {TELKOMNIKA},
volume = {17},
pages = {3218-3225},
abstract = {Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is a radiographic technique that has been commonly used to help doctors provide more detailed information for further examination. Teeth segmentation on CBCT image has many challenges such as low contrast, blurred teeth boundary and irregular contour of the teeth. In addition, because the CBCT produces a lot of slices, in which the neighboring slices have related information, the semi-automatic image segmentation method, that needs manual marking from the user, becomes exhaustive and inefficient. In this research, we propose an automatic image slice marking propagation on segmentation of dental CBCT. The segmentation result of the first slice will be propagated as the marker for the segmentation of the next slices. The experimental results show that the proposed method is successful in segmenting the teeth on CBCT images with the value of Misclassification Error (ME) and Relative Foreground Area Error (RAE) of 0.112 and 0.478, respectively.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Purnama, I Ketut Eddy; Hernanda, Arta Kusuma; Ratna, Anak Agung Putri; Nurtanio, Ingrid; Hidayati, Afif Nurul; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery; Nugroho, Supeno Mardi Susiki; Rachmadi, Reza Fuad
Disease classification based on dermoscopic skin images using convolutional neural network in teledermatology system Journal Article
In: 2019 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), pp. 1-5, 2019.
title = {Disease classification based on dermoscopic skin images using convolutional neural network in teledermatology system},
author = {I Ketut Eddy Purnama and Arta Kusuma Hernanda and Anak Agung Putri Ratna and Ingrid Nurtanio and Afif Nurul Hidayati and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo and Supeno Mardi Susiki Nugroho and Reza Fuad Rachmadi},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-11-19},
journal = {2019 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)},
pages = {1-5},
abstract = {We have proposed a system of classification and detection of skin diseases that can be applied to Teledermatology. This system will classify skin diseases on dermoscopic images using the Deep Learning algorithm, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Dermoscopic image data in this study from MNIST HAM10000 dataset which amounts to 10,015 images and published by International Skin Image Collaboration (ISIC). The dataset is divided into seven class of skin diseases which fall into the category of skin cancer. The image classification process will use two pre-trained CNN models, MobileNet v1 and Inception V3. The model results from the learning process will be applied to a web-classifier. The comparison of predictive accuracy shows that the web-classifier using the CNN Inception V3 model has an accuracy value of 72% while the web-classifier that uses the MobileNet v1 model has an accuracy value of …},
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pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Pane, Evi Septiana; Wibawa, Adhi Dharma; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery
Improving the Accuracy of EEG Emotion Recognition by Combining Valence Lateralization and Ensemble Learning with Tuning Parameters Journal Article
In: Cognitive Processing (Q2), 20 (4), pp. 405-417, 2019.
title = {Improving the Accuracy of EEG Emotion Recognition by Combining Valence Lateralization and Ensemble Learning with Tuning Parameters},
author = {Evi Septiana Pane and Adhi Dharma Wibawa and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-11-01},
journal = {Cognitive Processing (Q2)},
volume = {20},
number = {4},
pages = {405-417},
abstract = {For emotion recognition using EEG signals, the challenge is improving accuracy. This study proposes strategies that concentrate on incorporating emotion lateralization and ensemble learning approach to enhance the accuracy of EEG-based emotion recognition. In this paper, we obtained EEG signals from an EEG-based public emotion dataset with four classes (i.e. happy, sad, angry and relaxed). The EEG signal is acquired from pair asymmetry channels from left and right hemispheres. EEG features were extracted using a hybrid features extraction from three domains, namely time, frequency and wavelet. To demonstrate the lateralization, we performed a set of four experimental scenarios, i.e. without lateralization, right-/left-dominance lateralization, valence lateralization and others lateralization. For emotion classification, we use random forest (RF), which is known as the best classifier in ensemble learning …},
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pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Fahrudin, Tora; Buliali, Joko Lianto; Fatichah, Chastine
Ina-BWR: Indonesian bigram word rule for multi-label student complaints Journal Article
In: Egyptian Informatics Journal (Q2), 20 , pp. 151-161, 2019.
title = {Ina-BWR: Indonesian bigram word rule for multi-label student complaints},
author = {Tora Fahrudin and Joko Lianto Buliali and Chastine Fatichah},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-11-01},
journal = {Egyptian Informatics Journal (Q2)},
volume = {20},
pages = {151-161},
abstract = {Handling multi-label student complaints is one of interesting research topics. One of techniques used for handling multi-label student complaints is Bag of Word (BoW) method. In this research bigram word rule and preprocess are proposed to increase the accuracy of multi-label classification results. To show the effectiveness of the proposed method, data from Telkom University student data and additional relevant data by using hashtag are used as testing data. We develop Indonesian Bigram Word Rule for Multi-label Student Complaints (Ina-BWR) to identify multi-label student problems based on Bigram Word Rule. Ina-BWR consists of three processes such as preprocessing informal text, identifying complaint and object from text. Additional preprocessing techniques are conducted to formalize the text such as parsing a hashtag, correcting affixes word, correcting a conjunction word, parsing suffix people pronoun …},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}