Maritime Safety International Conference


1st Maritime Safety  International Conference is an international conference held by Department of Marine Engineering Department, Faculty of Marine Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya. This Conference was held from 9th to 11th July,2018. The aim of MASTIC 2018 is to exchange the latest information, development and innovative ideas in the field of marine technology, particularly related to the safety of ships operation and the safety of maritime industry.

The 1st Maritime Safety  International Conference (MASTIC 2018) addressed both current and advanced technology in Safety operation of ships and maritime facilities as well as the technology development in the field of marine engineering.

MASTIC is designed to be an advance biennial (2-yearly) international conference in which the manuscripts will be indexed through a reviewed based process to ensure the quality of the publication and it is expected to be a media for networking among academic institutions, research institutes, government agencies, maritime industry, manufacturing industry, shipping industry, and all maritime related stakeholders.