The Center of Excellence of Maritime Safety and Marine Installation (PUI KEKAL) is a research and product development institution formed in line with ITS focus areas in the field of maritime and maritime especially in the field of ship safety and marine installations.
Formerly as research group comprised of lecturer in the Laboratory of Reliability, Availability and Safety, this center was started the long remarkable research on safety beginning with a grant of a unit of Automatic Identification System (AIS) awarded by Kobe University Japan in 2007. Since then, research on ship safety was carried out. The research output is a product development of named as AISITS (Automatic Identification System of ITS).
PUI KEKAL was established in 2018 as a center funded by the The Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia. This center is needed based on some reasons as stated bellow:
- Number of ship accidents in Indonesia is relatively high
- International Regulations on the safety of ships, crew members, and protection on marine environment is getting tighter
- ITS is a center of excellence in the field of maritime and marine technology
- Center of excellence supports ITS to develope The Science and Technology Park (STP) where maritime is one of the focuses of development
- The government’s strategic program in making Indonesia as a global maritime axis needs to be supported by the safety of ship operation and marine installations.

Currently PUI KEKAL has developed a product named as AISITS which can be used as an early warning system to improve the operational safety of ships and marine installations. This product was inaugurated by the Minister of Research and Higher Education and the Minister of Transportation on October 17, 2018 in Jakarta. AISITS has several features that are already available and are also being developed, including:
- Early warning system
- Ship inspection
- Vessel tracking system
- Hazard navigation map (under development)
- Data management and data sharing (under development)
- Emission estimation (under development)
- Fuel oil monitoring system (under development)
- Port management information system (under development)

In carrying out its activities, PUI KEKAL is not only strengthen its relationship with some institutions but also develops academic excellence and increase the possibility of product commercialization. From an academic point of view, PUI KEKAL is supported by lecturers and researchers from various departments in ITS, such as Dept. of Marine Engineering, Dept. of Naval Architecture, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, Dept. of Sea Transportation Engineering, Dept. of Industrial Engineering and others.
As for product commercialization, PUI KEKAL has also collaborated with industries and government agencies to commercialize its products. Currently, there are several companies and government agencies that have signed a Cooperation Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding and Letter of Intent with PUI KEKAL AISITS, they are:
- Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut – Kementerian Perhubungan
- PT. Pertamina (Persero)
- PT. Krakatau Bandar Samudera
- PT. Palka Sarana Utama
- PT. Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia
- PT. Padma Energy Indonesia